Configuring Connect for Version Control using Git

Configuring Connect for Version Control using Git

This section covers the steps that you need to follow to enable versioning in Adeptia Connect.

This page contains the following information:


You must login as Admin user to change the system properties. 

Installing Git Version Control system

To download installer, refer to the website https://git-scm.com/downloads
Download Git from any of the distributor of your choice. Run the downloaded Git Installer and complete the installation by referring to https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git.

Configuring Version Control using Git

  1. Click Account > Settings.

  2. Expand the Server Nodes Settings in the left panel.
  3. Select the server node.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. Click  to expand Systems and then Version Control.

    The default value of the abpm.versionControl.enable property is false. To configure Git and enable versioning in the Adeptia Connect, you need to enter values for all the Version Control properties.
  6. Update the values for the following properties,

    1. Set the value for the abpm.versionControl.enable property to true.
    2. Set the value for the abpm.versionControl.client property to GIT.

    3. Set the value for the abpm.versionControl.repository.access.protocol property to HTTPS or HTTP.
    4. In the abpm.versionControl.repository.url property, enter the IP address of the Bitbucket server. This action enables you to connect the Git server with the Adeptia Connect by using the protocol mentioned in the previous step. 

      You need to define the hostname or IP address of Bitbucket server as per the syntax below: 
       <access protocol>://<hostname >:<port> 
       <access protocol> is the protocol that you will select to access the Bitbucket server. You access Bitbucket server by using the HTTPS or HTTP protocol.
       <hostname> is the IP address of the Bitbucket server. 
       <port> is the port at which Bitbucket server is running. By default, the Bitbucket server uses the 7990 port. 

      To get the Bitbucket Server Repository Link, follow the steps: 

      • On Bitbucket Repository page, select the Repository.
      • Click Clone icon and copy the link.

      Enter this link in the abpm.versionControl.repository.url property.
    5. In the abpm.versionControl.username property, enter the username that you want to use to access host repository.
    6. In the abpm.versionControl.password property, enter the password of the username that you have mentioned in the previous steps.

      Instead of using a password for authentication, you can use a Personal Access Token (PAT). To know how to generate a PAT, click here.
    7. In the abpm.versionControl.projectPath property, enter the path where you want to create the local copy of the Git project. This path must exist on the machine, where you have installed the Adeptia Connect. 

      Ensure that Repository URL is changed accordingly in case you are updating the Project URL for seamless operation of Version Control System.

      When you Check-In the activity of the Adeptia Connect for the first time, the Adeptia Connect creates a local copy of the project on the path that you have specified in the abpm.versionControl.projectPath property.
      At the same time the Adeptia Connect also creates a project with the same name as in the Git. 

      If you have installed the Adeptia Connect on a Windows-based OS then, you can either define the absolute path or the relative path with respect to ServerKernel folder. For example, you can define the absolute path as c:\Adpetia\AdeptiaVersionControl. It means that the local Git project is created within c:\Adeptia\AdeptiaVersionControl folder. 

      You can also define the relative path like .\AdeptiaVersionControl. In this case, the Adeptia Suite creates the local project within ServerKernel > AdeptiaVersionControl folder. 
      The default value of the abpm.versionControl.projectPath property is .\AdeptiaVersionControl
      You can provide the path other than the default path in the abpm.versionControl.projectPath property as per your requirement. 
      If you have installed the Adeptia Suite on a Linux-based OS then you must specify the absolute path for the Local Version Control Project. 

      For example /root/home/ADEPTIA/AdeptiaVersionControl/

    8. Enter the Keystore path for client authentication in the abpm.versionControl.keystore.path property.
    9. Enter the password of the Keystore for client authentication in the abpm.versionControl.keystore.password property.

      You need to enter the values in the abpm.versionControl.keystore.path and abpm.versionControl.keystore.password properties only when you use a HTTPS or HTTP protocol on an Bitbucket server which is client authenticated.

  7. Click Save and reload the settings by clicking Reload, and restart the services.

Creating and performing operations on a branch in version control system

The versions of Adeptia Connect services can be managed on a branch other than the master branch in Git. For this, you need to create a branch in Git and then configure the following properties in Adeptia Connect to enable version control operations on that branch.

  • Ensure that you have created a branch in Git before you proceed to configure the version control system properties.

Configuring the version control system properties

Follow the steps below to configure the version control system properties in Adeptia Connect:

  1. Click Account > Settings.
  2. Expand the Server Nodes Settings in the left panel.
  3. Select the server node.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. Expand Systems > Version Control.
  6. Enter the branch name, which you have created earlier, as a value for the abpm.versionControl.repository.branch property. This is where all the version control operations will be performed.

    By default, the version control operations are performed at the master branch.
  7. Enter the path (folder name) where you want to create the local copy of the Git project in the abpm.versionControl.projectPath property.
    This path must exist on the machine, where you have installed the Adeptia Connect.
  8. Click Save.
  9. To reload the configuration, click Reload Configuration link. A confirmation message is displayed that the configuration has been reloaded.
  10. Restart the Connect Server.

Removing a checked-in version of an activity from version control system

You can remove the checked-in version of an activity from version control system by using the Uncheck option for that activity under More menu.

Handling certificate errors

While connecting to Git, you may sometime encounter errors related to certificates that can prove to be bottlenecks in establishing a successful connection. You can handle such errors by following the instructions in the same order as given below:

Identifying the Truststore and its location

The first step towards resolving the errors is to identify the Truststore and its location in your application. Follow the steps below to do this:

  1. Click Account > Settings.
  2. Expand the Server Nodes Settings in the left panel.
  3. Select the server node.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. Expand Services > SSL Configuration.
  6. In the javax.net.ssl.trustStore property, you can get the truststore and its location.

If you already have the certificates available with you, skip the next step (export option) and go directly to the steps for importing the certificates.

Exporting the correct certificates

It is recommended to export the key using DER encoded binary format X.509 (.CER). The following are the steps to export the public key in Google Chrome browser. Follow the steps below to export the correct certificates:

  1. Open the Version Control Repository URL in Google Chrome browser.
  2. Click  > More tools > Developer tools.
  3. Click Security tab. 
  4. Click View Certificate.

  5. On the Certificate window, under the Details tab, click Copy to File.

  6. Click Next to start exporting the certificates.

  7. Choose DER encoded binary X.509 (.CER) and click Next.

  8. Specify the location to save the exported file and click Next.

  9. Click Finish to export.
    A dialog box appears confirming the export process have been completed successfully.
  10. Click OK to exit from the wizard.

Importing the certificates into Truststore

  1. Open Command Prompt
  2. Go to …<ConnectServerInstallFolder>\AdeptiaServer\ServerKernel\etc\truststore location.

    You must ensure that this path is same as what you had identified in the first step.
  3. Run the following Keytool command to import a certificate,
    keytool -import -trustcacerts -file <Path_of_SSL_Certificate> -alias <alias_name> -keystore <Path of Truststore file> -storepass <password>


              <Path_of_SSL_Certificate> is the path of SSL certificate.

              <Path of Truststore file> is the path of Connect Server Truststore.

    For example, keytool -import -trustcacerts -file "C:/connect-adeptia-com.cer" -alias adeptia -keystore " C:\Program Files\AdeptiaConnect\AdeptiaConnect-XX\ConnectServer\AdeptiaServer\ServerKernel\etc\truststore\cacerts" -storepass changeit

Once you have finished importing the certificates, restart the Connect Server. 

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