To allow users to access Adeptia Connect over secured LDAP, you need to configure Secured LDAP in Adeptia Connect.
This page contains the following information:
- Installed LDAP Server.
- Administrative rights in Adeptia Connect to enable LDAP Authentication and Authorization.
- Adeptia Connect is certified with Windows Active Directory and Open LDAP server.
- TLSv1.2 should be enabled on LDAP Server.
Configuring secured LDAP
- Import the LDAP Server certificate in AIS cacert (/Serverkernel/etc/truststore/cacerts) using below command.
keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias <<ANY_ALIAS_NAME>> -file "<<CERTIFICATE_FILE_PATH>>" -keystore "<<AIS_CACERT_PATH>>"
For example,
keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias ldapssl -file "C:\Users\administrator.ADEPTIA\Desktop\" -keystore "C:\Program Files\AdeptiaConnect-3.3\ConnectServer\AdeptiaServer\ServerKernel\etc\truststore\cacerts"
- After importing the LDAP Server certificate, you will be prompted to enter the keystore password. The default password is changeit.
- Enter yes, when prompted to trust the certificate.
- Follow the below steps to configure LDAP properties.
- Log in to Adeptia Connect.
- Click Account > Settings.
- Expand the Server Node Settings in the left panel.
- Select the server node.
- Click Edit.
- Expand Systems > LDAP Authentication.
Modify the value for the abpm.ldap.provider.url property.
- Set the protocol to ldaps.
- Set the port number for SSL request. By default, the port number is 636.
For example,
Set the value of the abpm.ldap.enableLdapOverSSL property to yes.
- Click Save.
To reload the configuration, click Reload Configuration link.
A confirmation message is displayed that the configuration has been reloaded.