Product Release Upgrade
Following are the recommendations with steps/checklist for performing a product release upgrade:
Impact Assessment
It is recommended to perform a quick impact assessment of any product release or patch upgrade. The release features should be evaluated based on the what features the solution is using.
Verifying Backward Compatibility
Custom plugins developed, third party add-on components will require a check for backward compatibility while performing upgrades.
Upgrade Process (Hot Fixes, Release)
Adeptia recommends to bring down all Adeptia services (Kernel and WebRunner nodes) prior to preforming a product upgrade. All nodes should be upgraded for a product release
Hot Fixes usually have a smaller impact around a critical defect and can be applied with minimal downtime in production environments
Regression testing of solution components is also recommended prior to upgrading production environments. This testing is to create a baseline against which the regression testing after upgrade ensures functionality of the solution is no impacted.
Product Release Sandbox
If you are using a sandbox environment for verifying product releases and upgrades, it is recommended to verify functionality in a sandbox for one to two weeks prior to applying the upgrade in other environments. This duration depends on the criticality of upgrade and features in the new release. If production urgently needs a feature then this period can be a week or less.