Using the EDI Inbound Template

Using the EDI Inbound Template

You can create an Inbound EDI Transaction by using prebuilt EDI Template bundled with Connect. 

To create an Inbound  EDI Transaction:

  1. Click Transactions Templates.
  2. On the Templates screen, search EDI Inbound.

  3. Click  for the EDI Inbound Template to create an EDI Transaction.

  4. Connect automatically populates the name and description for the Transaction, you can edit the name and description, if necessary. 

  5. Click Continue to define the Network and Partner.

  6. Select the Network and Partner for which you are creating the Transaction. 

  7. Click Next to define the EDI Configuration.

  8. Use the default setting for Translation, Interchange, Group, Document, and Advanced properties. 

  9. Click Next to go to Transaction Settings step.

  10. On the Transaction Settings screen, 
    1. Expand Advanced Settings.
    2. In the Repository File Retention field, select a file retention level. The available options are DONT DELETE, DELETE, DELETE ON SUCCESS, and DELETE ON SUCCESS EXCEPT SOURCE DATA. To learn more about these options, refer to this page.

      The Logging Level and Activities Logging Retention fields are set to default for this Transaction. To set the logging level and logs retention level, follow the steps given below:

      1. Click Configure > Templates.
      2. On the Templates screen, search EDI Inbound.
      3. Click (More> Update Logging Details against the EDI Inbound Template.
      4. On the Update Logging Details screen, select the logging level and logs retention level in the respective fields. To learn more about Logging Level and Activities Logging Retention fields, refer to this page.  
  11. Click Next to select the FTP Source application account.

  12. Click Next to select the FTP account for FTP source.

  13. Click Next to choose the Trigger for the EDI file.
  14. Click Next to specify the source file location.

  15. On Select File Location step, specify the exception conditions.
    1. Select the checkbox to send mail notification for no data/error on the trigger.
    2. Specify the receiver Email-ID in Notification Receiver Email-ID(s) textbox.

    3. Specify the file name and type in the Specify the file name & type that is to be processed text box.

    4. Specify polling intervals for the Execution.

  16. Click Next and select the checkbox if the source file is in the encrypted format. 

  17. Click Next to take the backup of source file as an archive file at runtime.
  18. At Create Archive File step, select the Create Archive File (Optional) checkbox. This option will create an archive of the source file in the Archive folder for future access.

    1. Type the folder name to archive the data in the Archive Folder Name. The Transaction will create an archive of the generated output files in the specified folder and location.  

      You need to set the archival folder path in the abpm.solution.b2b.archive.basepath property (Administer > Update System Properties > Solution Properties > EDI Solution Properties > Default B2B Archiving Policy). 

      You may also use a context variable to provide a value for the Archive Folder Name field in the following manner:
      In the Archive Folder Name field, enter the path (where you want to keep the archive folder) followed by $$PARTNER_NAME$$ as shown in the following example.

      where $$PARTNER_NAME$$ is a predefined Context Variable that holds the name of the partner who runs the Transaction, and the archive folder is created with this partner's name.

    2. Click Auto Organised Archive Folder Based On Date checkbox to create folders in the format YYYY/MM/DD to the folder specified in the Archive Folder Name.
    3. Click Add Archive File Time Stamp checkbox to add a time stamp to the archive files.

    4. On clicking the check box, Time Stamp Format field appears. Select the date and time format.  

  19. Click Next to define the Destination application account. Select the supported destination applications that can be either Database, FTP, File, or JMS.

  20. Click Next to select the LAN target and specify target details.

  21. Click Next to select the target data format. Select the target data format and data layout for the Destination application. Target data format is the format in which you want the destination file, for example, text, excel. Target data layout is the layout of the destination file. 

  22. Select Data Encryption and check the box if you want to encrypt the destination file.

  23. Click Next to define the Mapping between the fields of the selected source and the destination application.

    1. Select the mapping from the Select Mapping drop-down list and click Next


    2. Click  to create a new mapping. A new window will appear, enter the details and click Create.

    3. Map the elements in Mapper and save the mapping.

  24. Click Save & Exit to save the Transaction.

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