Pre-Installation Recommendations

Pre-Installation Recommendations

Pre-Installation Sizing Questionnaire


Adeptia System Sizing Estimate Questionnaire


Adeptia System Sizing Estimate Questionnaire


Sizing Related Question

Sizing Info

Other Considerations



For File Processing  Volume  indicate the # Files that needs to be processed in a given duration i.e. Daily/Weekly/Monthly (e.g. say weekly 5000 files)

14000 per month
475 avg per day 


Includes all EDM, EDP and LMB files


What would be the peak volume that is required to processed in an hour(e.g. peak volume could occur in a time of day say between 7am and 8am one can expect say 500 files)

300 max within hour




What are the input and output files types (XML, Text, CSV, EDI, Excel proprietary format, etc.) Indicate the most common file types encountered

CSV, Text, Excel, XML, fixed positional, JSON, pipe delimited, fixed-width text file,
tab-delimited text file 


CSV most common - XML will come with EmployeeNavigator and internal XML schema files


Indicate the minimum, maximum and average files sizes(in KB or MB) that would be  coming from the data sources

Minimum: 1kb
Average: 5 MB
Maximum: 1.5 GB (and growing)


Note that Walmart sends a combined set of files of ~8GB total in one go, but their individual maximum file size is 1.3GB


Indicate the types of sources and targets for data processing (e.g. SFTP, LAN or Network Files, REST, Web Services, Databases, Email etc)

Network files (source, target)

Database (target)


Initially network files


What are the key SLA's for File Processing 

30 minutes


From file drop in network share to mapping target completion for all rows.


What type of Mapping/ Transformation would be needed(e.g Simple one-one, Complex transformation rules, Data aggregation/summarization, Lookups)





Will there be Multiple Sources and Targets in a single data processing flow/transformation

Most cases: single source - single target
Limited cases for single source to multiple targets




If data is pulled from database indicate the maximum # of records to be processed in a single transformation or data pull(e.g. 50,000 records in one batch)

N/A at this time


To be determined


Is there a requirement for encryption of data at rest



DB servers will encrypt/unencrypt all data to and from disk


Projected growth in data volume Volume as % (e.g. say 15% growth on a yearly basis)

100% in next 12 months (2019-2020)



Pre-Installation Sizing Recommendations 


System Requirements


System Requirements



Test/QA Environment

Pre-Prod Environment

Prod Environment


Operating System

Dedicated or Virtual Server with Windows Server 2016 or Linux

Dedicated or Virtual Server with Windows Server 2016 or Linux

Dedicated or Virtual Server with Windows Server 2016 or Linux

Dedicated or Virtual Server with Windows Server 2016 or Linux


# of Nodes

1 AC(Adeptia Connect), 
1 AIS(Adeptia Integration Suite)

1 AC, 1 AIS

2 AC, 2 AIS

2 AC, 2 AIS

For Prod , can start with 3 node AIS cluster and upgrade to 3 or 4 as volume grows

CPU, Memory, Hard Disk

2 Core CPU, 16 GB RAM, 150GB for AC and 200GB for AIS HDD minimum

2 Core CPU, 16 GB RAM, 150GB for AC and 200GB for AIS HDD minimum

4 Core CPU, 32GB RAM, 200GB for AC and 300GB for AIS HDD minimum

4 Core CPU, 32GB RAM, 200GB for AC and  300GB for AIS HDD minimum

Note; For Load Testing in QA higher memory(32GB) may be required 


MySQL 5.7 AIC/AC -10GB
MySQL 5.7 Log DB - 10 GB

MySQL 5.7 AIC/AC -10GB
MySQL 5.7 Log DB - 10 GB

MySQL 5.7 AIC/AC -10GB
MySQL 5.7 Log DB -20 GB

MySQL 5.7 AIC/AC -10GB
MySQL 5.7 Log DB - 20 GB



Tomcat 9 and Java 8, Adeptia Connect Installation  Package

Tomcat 9 and Java 8, Adeptia Connect Installation  Package

Tomcat 9 and Java 8, Adeptia Connect Installation  Package

Tomcat 9 and Java 8, Adeptia Connect Installation  Package



Chrome or Safari

Chrome or Safari

Chrome or Safari

Chrome or Safari


External Storage Space



1 TB Storage accommodating future growth, archival storage not included(depends on retention policy)

1 TB Storage accommodating future growth, archival storage not included(depends on retention policy)


*Though Adeptia Connect is compatible with Edge and Mozilla Firefox, we recommend to use Google Chrome/Safari for seamless operation.