Best Practices - Inbound Template

Best Practices - Inbound Template

Use Case Overview

This Use Case would help you jumpstart solution development for Adeptia Solution, IT, and Business User with knowledge of Connect and Template usage.

B2B Use Cases involving Partner collaboration and self-service wherein Business Users can create and enable transactions and also perform basic data mapping that would be needed on a day to day basis and for quick on-boarding. 

 This document will outline the key steps to quickly create a custom template for inbound transactions. The Inbound template can be used to setup the Partner User to manage source configuration and the Business user to manage destination configuration.

Scope of Use Case

Applicable Scenarios

  • Customer requiring their partners to quickly create a Transaction for enabling an inbound file to Connect.

  • Customer requiring their partners to select and map data to an output format and deliver to a pre-defined location in the template.

Excluded Scenarios

  • This template will not support additional custom pre and post processing requirements.

  • Enabling partners or business users to use existing custom process flows not supported in this template.


Following are the pre-requisites to implementing the B2B  use case:

  • There is clarity of functions required to be performed by internal and partner users involved in building the B2B transaction.

  • Network needed for whom the template is to be created.


Next Step

Solution Design Flow - Inbound Template

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