Viewing Process Flow logs

Viewing Process Flow logs

The Process Flow log displays all the details about the process flow execution and its associated activities. It also displays the status of the associated (Parent or Child) Process Flow.

Accessing Process Flow logs

  1. Go to the Dashboard page.
  2. Click Transactions icon from the left pane.
  3. Click All Messages drop-down list and select Process Flow Logs. By default, the system displays current day logs.

    • You can also filter the data based on current logs and archived logs.
    • You can see all the Process Flow logs by clicking All
    • To see the Process Flows which have errors in execution, click Errors.
  4. To search for Process Flow logs for a specific time period, go to advanced search. Click the arrow in the search box.

  5. Select either Current Logs or Archived Logs option.

  6. Provide the Where, Condition with values and click Search to fetch Process Flow Log results for a specific entity.
  7. Click Search.
    The log information for the selected entity is displayed. 

The process flow logs also contain the name of the node on which it gets executed in a clustered environment. To display this node name information, you need to select the Node Name check box from the drop-down list of Columns available in the header row. 

You can access the additional details about the Process Flow by going to the following options under Action menu:

  1. To view intermediate repository files of a Process Flow, click Repository. A new browser tab opens with the list of repository files created during execution of the Process Flow.

    1. To open any file from the list, click the name of the file.
    2. To set a particular character set encoding to be applied when the respective intermediate repository files of the process flow are opened, define the required character set encoding code in the new textbox marked as Character Set Encoding. All the repository files will then support the defined character set encoding.
  2. To view the detailed log for Process Flow log levels other than ERROR, click Diagnostic. Depending on the log level, the detailed log of this process flow opens in a new browser window Process Flow Diagnostics.

    1. Clicking the Error link displays the details of all errors that caused the process flow to abort. This Error link is displayed in the View Process Flow Log screen, only if the Process Flow is aborted. If Process Flow executes successfully, this Error link is not displayed.
    2. Click Close Window to close this screen.
  3. To view the details of the execution of a Process Flow, click Execution Details.

  4. To view the value of the context variables used in the process flow, click Context Info. 

  5. To view the execution of a Process Flow, click Execution View. Click here for more details. 
  6. To execute a new instance of a Process Flow, click Execute New Instance. The Process Flow will be submitted to Queue Processor for execution.
  7. To view the information about all process variables defined (for all parent and child process flows) for all instances of the selected process flow, click KPI. It displays the instance name of the parent flow (or overridden description, if it is overridden by the developer at design time). This screen is divided into two parts:
      • Search Criteria
      • Process Variable Data
    1. You can search for process flows and their variables, based on the date and time range by clicking the  in the upper right corner of the screen. This displays the date and time range fields. Enter the date range and enter the time in the respective fields. Once done, click Apply. This displays the process flows and their process variable details conforming to the specified time range.
    2. Alternately, search for process flows and their variables, based on the Process Variable search criteria. Select the process variable name that you want to search, from the Select drop-down list. Then, enter some search criteria (such as name of variable) in the text field, click Search. This displays the process flow(s) with the specified process variable.

      You can enter wildcards in the search criteria text field.

      This screen will show the last updated value of the process flow variable.

    3. You can click the Instance Name link to view the instance details.

When a process flow is in running state, you get two options to terminate it. At any time, you can Kill or Abort a process flow. 

Abort: This action aborts the process flow instantly whenever the execution of currently running service is complete.
Kill: This action hard kills and terminates the process flow on the currently running service.

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