Viewing Audit Trail logs

Viewing Audit Trail logs

The Audit Trail log maintains a log of all changes made to all the services. These changes include creating, editing, deleting, and saving of services. Additionally, it also includes comments, change of password, and login/logout details. The logs are also generated in Audit Trail when you view the services. You can view the Audit Trail log for a specific period by entering the appropriate search criteria. 

Only Admin and Sys Admin roles are authorized to view the Audit Trail log. 

You can also view the Audit Trail logs in Recent Activity section on the Home page.


The Audit Trail page provides detailed information about the following records:  

  • CRUD operations on the following entities: 

    • Users

    • Partner

    • Network

    • Template

    • Transaction

    • WebForm

  • User Access to Audit Trail Logs

  • User Login & Logout in Adeptia Connect

  • Failed Login Attempt by a User

  • Enabling or Disabling of Audit Trail

  • Activation or Deactivation of a Transaction or Template

  • All AIS services 

This page does not display AIS user login and logout information.

Accessing Audit Trail log

  1. Go to the Dashboard page.

  2. Click Audit Trail option from the left pane.

  3. The page lists the recent activities in Adeptia Connect.

    It displays Client IP Address of the logged-in user and details including Transaction/PF name, link name, and PID when the user clicks Repository, View Source Data, Context Info from Transaction Dashboard page.

  4. To search for audit logs for a specific entity, go to advanced search. Click the arrow in the search box to do an advanced search.

  5. Provide the Where, Condition with values and click Search to fetch Audit Log results for a specific entity. For example, in the below image user is trying to search Audit Logs for Company. 

    You can also filter the Audit Trail records based on the AIS service type.


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