Steps to load Source and Destination Layout
- On Select Layout screen, the list of layout will be displayed.

- Select the layout that you want to load.
The Select layout window supports the following functionality:- At times, the list of layout is very long. In such cases, you can search for layout to be loaded, based on the layout name or type. Provide the name of the layout to be searched in the Quick Search text box and as you type letters, the search field will dynamically search for the values defined in all the layout types and update the table accordingly.
- To refine the search, you can select the layout type from the Types column. This will display you only the layout types that you would select. For example, if you select the Excel layout type then you will only see the Excel layout.
- To load a layout, search the layout type and select the checkbox(s) corresponding to the layout type. You can select both the source and target layouts for the layout type. In addition, you can select a different source and target layout type. This way, you can load multiple layouts at the same time. You can also select all the check boxes to load all the layouts. There is no limit to the number of layouts that you can load at the same time.
- You can not load multiple web service layouts along with other layouts.
- If you have not created any particular layout type then no layout will be displayed on clicking the respective layout type button.
Click Load after you have selected the layout(s) to open. The layout(s) that you will select will be loaded to the Web Mapper window.