Creating an Inbound Pass-Thru Transaction

Creating an Inbound Pass-Thru Transaction

A Transaction is created by using a Template. Therefore, before creating a Transaction, ensure that you have created a Template.

To create an Inbound Transaction:

  1. Provide the name and description of the Transaction. The name and description of the Transaction are generated automatically based on the selected Template. You can edit the Transaction name and description that can be up to 48 and 300 characters long.

  2. Click Continue.

  3. Select the partner for whom you are creating this Transaction. All the Partners of the Network(s) to which this Template belongs will be populated in the drop-down list. 


  4. Click Next.

  5. Provide the email id in the Contact User. This email id is used to send notification emails regarding the execution of the Transaction.

  6. Click Next to define the parameter values. This screen appears only if the Template you are using is created to get the values from the Partner or Company user.

  7. Provide the values in the fields.
  8. Click Next to define the Source application account. 

  9. Select the account from the drop-down list. You can either use an existing account or create a new one. Click to add a new account. For information on how to add an account, refer to Appendix C: Supported Applications


    Click Test to test the connection to your account.
    Field Name
    Process all the existing records/filesTo process all the existing files from the specified location.
    Trigger Type

    You can set trigger through POLLING and CRON EXPRESSION.

    POLLING: The time interval during which the Transaction triggers. By default, Transaction triggers after every 10 minutes. Select No polling option to trigger Transaction manually.

    CRON EXPRESSION: Define the specific time schedule for the Transaction to trigger. For more information on how to define Cron Expression, click here.

    The Source application account and configuration details screen differ depending on the Source application chosen in the Template you are using.
  10. Click Next to define filter criteria. 
  11. This screen allows you to retrieve only specific records using AND/OR filters. For example, name=John and Id=12345 will retrieve only the record where name is 'John' and Id is '12345'
  12. Click Add Filter.



  13. Select the field name, condition, and value to filter the records. Depending upon the application used in a Template, you can filter the records using AND, OR, or both AND and OR filters. Click AND Filter to add more records.


    Only filterable custom fields will be displayed in the "Field Name" drop-down list while specifying filter criteria.
  14. Click Next to define the mapping. This screen appears only if the Template you are using is created for the Partner to define the mapping. 

  15. Click Save & Exit to save the Transaction.

    This creates an Inbound Transaction.

    Next Step

    Activating a Transaction

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