Handling Error Records
Akash Kumar Jaiswal (Unlicensed)
Avinash Kumar
Owned by Akash Kumar Jaiswal (Unlicensed)
You can handle the error records of an activity by the property Error Record in Process Designer. You can handle error records either by:
- Saving the error records into a repository file.
- Ignoring the error records.
- Further processing the error records.
- Aborting the process flow.
The property Error Record has following four options:
- File: On selecting this option, all the correct records are processed by the schema activity and all the error records are saved in an XML file. Adeptia Connect uses the following naming convention for this file:
ErrorRecord<name of the Schema Activity>.xml.
This XML file is saved within the folder where the respective process flow repository is created. You can also view this repository file from the Process Flow Logs (History > Process Flow Log).
Select the required process flow, click Details, and then click Repository.
- Ignore: On selecting this option, on the execution of the process flow, Adeptia Server ignores the error records, processes the correct records, and successfully executes the process flow for the Schema activity.
- Process: On selecting this option, the error records are processed as defined. For example, you can save the error records in a folder using File Target activity or you can send the error records to someone using a mail notification activity.
- Abort: On selecting this option, on an encounter with the very first error record, execution of the process flow is immediately aborted and the process flow is not executed.
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