Defining a Convert Inbound Destination Application

Defining a Convert Inbound Destination Application

After you have selected the Source application, the next step in creating a Template is to define the Destination application. A Destination application is an application from where data is to be transferred from the Source application. After defining the Destination application, you must choose an Action.

An Action is performed at the destination. For example, in an FTP Destination application, if you choose Create File as an action, then a file will be generated at the destination.

To select and configure the Destination application of the Template:

  1. Select the Destination application and click Next. 

    You can also use a Process Flow or Transaction in a Template. For this, you need to select Post Process application. For more information, click here.


    The next steps differ depending on the selected Destination application.
  2. Select the action and click Next.

    The list of actions differs for the selected Destination application. For the complete list of actions of the supported applications, refer to Appendix C: Supported Applications.

  3. Select the Destination application account. You can either use an existing account or create a new one. Click to add a new account.

    You can select Partner will define this step check box to allow your Partner to define these steps while Creating a Transaction using this Template. 

    Click Test to test the connection to your account. 
  4. Click Next to define the configuration details.

  5. Provide the configuration details of the selected Destination application. You can only allow the partner to define this step if you have allowed you partner to define the Destination application account.

    The Destination application account and configuration details screen differ depending on the selected Destination application.

  6. Click Next to select the target data format. This screen appears only if have selected a file-based application at the Destination. 
  7. Select the target data format and data layout for the Destination application. Target data format is the format in which you want the destination file, for example, text, excel. Target data layout is the layout of the destination file. You can either use an existing layout or create a new one. Clickto create a new layout. 


  8. You can also define this step by clicking Partner will define this step check box or allow your Partner to define this step. The Partner will define this step while creating a Transaction using this Template.

    1. Select Auto generate layout name and description check box if you want to auto generate the activity name and description while creating the Transaction. You can not change the automatically generated name and description.

      The defined format of the auto generated name and description are explained below:

      Name : Layout_transactionId_sequenceId
      Description : Layout_transactionName

      By default, this checkbox is enabled for Create New and Select from the List or Create New policy and disabled for Default policy.

    2. Select the type of access policy from the drop-down list. It helps the user to define the policy to displays the activity at the time of creating the transactions by another user of the same partner. The following policies are:

      • Default Policy : Using this policy, user can view all layouts and also can create a new layout while creating a Transaction.
      • Create New : User can only create a new layout while creating a Transaction. No layout is displayed from the drop-down list of layout field.
      • Select from the List or Create New : Using this policy, user can create a new layout or user can define a custom list of layouts which will appear at transaction end.

        You can select the type of schema like Text, Excel, etc. from the drop-down list of Schema Type. You can also search the schema from the Search box.
  9. Click Next to define whether you want to encrypt the destination file. This screen appears only if have selected a file-based application at the Destination.

  10. You can also define this step by clearing Partner will define this step check box or allow your Partner to define this step. The Partner will define this step while creating a Transaction using this Template.

    If you are defining this step then select the Want to encrypt target file? check box. Provide the details of the Key in the drop-down lists.

    Field NameDescription
    Key ManagerName of the Key Manager. To create a Key Manager, click here.
    Key NameThe default value is the default.
  11. Click Next to define the mapping. 

Next Step

Defining the mapping

See also

Activating a Template

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