Defining a Convert Inbound Source Application

Defining a Convert Inbound Source Application

After you have provided the definition of the Template, the next step while creating a Template is to define the Source application. A Source application is an application from where data is received. After defining the Source application, you must choose a Trigger.

A Trigger is an event that initiates the data exchange. For example, in an FTP Source application, if you choose On File Created as a trigger, then data exchange will initiate when the new file is created to the source FTP.

To select and configure the Source application of the Template:

  1. Select the Source application and click Next.   

    However, depending upon the routing type you chose while defining, the template list of available apps will vary. This list will also have the custom app connector if you have defined one. 

    The next screen differs depending on the chosen Source application.

  2. You can either define the next step by clearing Partner will define this step check box or allow your Partner to define these steps. Partner will define these steps while Creating a Transaction using this Template. 

    If you are defining this step then select the Source application account. You can either use an existing account or create a new one. Click  to add a new account. For information on how to add an account, refer to Appendix C: Supported Applications.

    Click Test to test the connection to your account. 
  3. You can allow the partner to define this step by selecting Partner will define this step check box. Partner will define these steps while Creating a Transaction using this Template. 

    If you are defining this step then select the trigger from the drop-down list and click Next.

    The list of triggers differs for the selected Source application. For the complete list of triggers of the supported applications, refer to Appendix C: Supported Applications.

  4. Provide the configuration details of your account.

    You can allow your partner to define this step by selecting Partner will define this step check box. Partner will define these steps while Creating a Transaction using this Template.

    In case you have selected Content/Context based routing then only company can define this step.

    If you are defining this step then for FTP or DropBox applications only, you can define the folder location using Partner parameters in the following format:



    PartnerParameterName is the name of the parameter that you have configured for the Partner.

    Ensure that you have configured the specified parameter for the Partner for which you are creating this Template.

    Field Name


    Folder LocationFolder location from where to pick files.
    Process all the existing records/filesTo process all the existing files from the specified location.
    Send mail notification for no data on triggerSelecting this option will send the mail notification whenever there is no data found on trigger.
    Send mail notification for error on triggerSelecting this option will send the mail notification whenever there is an error on trigger.
    Delete file on successDelete the file once it is processed.
    File typeFile format to process the files. Multiple file formats are separated by a comma. Use *.* to process all file formats.
    File excludeType the file format to exclude the file type while transaction is running. Multiple file formats are separated by a comma. For example if you want to exclude text files from the FTP location, type .txt in the text box.
    Trigger Type

    You can set trigger through POLLING and CRON EXPRESSION.

    POLLING: The time interval during which the Transaction triggers. By default, Transaction triggers after every 10 minutes. Select No polling option to trigger Transaction manually.


    CRON EXPRESSION: Define the specific time schedule for the Transaction to trigger. For more information on how to define Cron Expression, click here.


    File Stable Time

    You can set file stable time in the text box and select time unit from the drop-down list. This option is applicable for On File Created and On File Modified Trigger Type. The trigger will wait for the specified time for the file to become stable. For example, if you choose 30 Seconds in the stable time then system will wait for 30 seconds for the file to go stable before it triggers the transaction.  

    The Source application account and configuration details screen differ depending on the chosen Source application.

  5. Expand Other Settings and provides the detail.

    Select Trigger in Sequence check box to trigger the Transaction in sequential manner. If you do not select the Trigger in Sequence check box then the associated Transaction will trigger concurrently.

    If you want to enable misfire handling for your file event then, select the Run Once option from the Action on Misfire Event drop-down list. If you do not wish to enable misfire handling for your file event then, select the Ignore Misfire option.  For more details, refer to Handling Misfire Event.
    The Run Once option will run only one collective instance of all the misfires for a particular event. Whereas the Ignore Misfire option will not run a misfired event. 
    The default value for Action on Misfire Event field is set to Run Once for all of the earlier events.

    The Connector drop-down lists the APIs to connect to the FTP Server. The options changes as per your selection of the protocols that you want to use to establish FTP connection. 




    Secured Inet Factory


    J2SCH (VFS) 
    Secured Inet Factory 


    J2SCH (VFS) 
    Secured Inet Factory

    Select Verbose check box, if you want to create a log file of your FTP activity. This check box is enabled only if you select Secure Inet Factory from the Connector drop-down list box.

  6. Click Next to define the Routing Criteria. This is applicable only if you have selected context based routing as a Routing Type.

  7. Select the routing criteria based on which different data files will be sent to the Partners. 

    Currently, only File Name is supported.

    A condition to filter the files.

    Equals: Select this option to allow your Partner to provide the exact file name with its extension.

    Contains: Select this option to allow your Partner to provide any part of the file name.

    A variable name for the specified condition.

    On the Routing Criteria screen:

    1. Select the file name from the Criteria drop-down list.

    2. Select the type of condition from the Condition drop-down list.

    3. Enter the parameter name in the Parameter field.

    4. Select the Ignore Case check box if you want the search to be case insensitive.

    For example, here in the example, cust_id is specified as a variable name. The Partner needs to specify the value for the variable name (cust_id) at the time of creating a Transaction. Suppose, the value specified is CUST147. When the Transaction will execute, it will fetch all the records containing CUST147 such as CUST14789.txt, CUST1478.xls, CUST147.docx. 

    If you have specified Equals in the Condition drop-down list then Transaction will fetch all the records containing CUST147 only such as CUST147.txt, CUST147.docx. 

  8. Click Next to encrypt data. 

  9. You can either define this step by clearing Partner will define this step check box or allow your Partner to define these steps. Partner will define these steps while Creating a Transaction using this Template. 

    Select the Is Source File encrypted? check box if the source file is in the encrypted format. The below fields appears. Provide the details in the corresponding fields.

    Field Name


    Key ManagerSelect the Key Manager from the list. To create a Key Manager, visit Account > Security Settings. To create a Key Manager, click here.
    Key NameThe default value is the default.
    Private Key PasswordPassword of the key.
    Confirm PasswordConfirm the password of the key.
  10. Click Next to select the source layout and format. This screen appears only if you have selected a file application, for example, FTP, Google Drive or REST WebHook application. 

  11. Select the source data format and source data layout for the Source application. Source data format is the format in which the data of the source file exists, for example, text, excel. Source data layout is the layout of the source file. You can either use an existing layout or create a new one. Click  to create a new layout. 

  12. You can also define this step by clicking Partner will define this step check box or allow your Partner to define this step. The Partner will define this step while creating a Transaction using this Template.


    1. Select Auto generate layout name and description check box if you want to auto generate the activity name and description while creating the Transaction. You can not change the automatically generated name and description.

      The defined format of the auto generated name and description are explained below:

      Name : Layout_transactionId_sequenceId
      Description : Layout_transactionName

      By default, this checkbox is enabled for Create New and Select from the List or Create New policy and disabled for Default policy.
    2. Select the type of access policy from the drop-down list. It helps the user to define the policy to displays the activity at the time of creating the transactions by another user of the same partner. The following policies are:

      • Default Policy : Using this policy, user can view all layouts and also can create a new layout while creating a Transaction.
      • Create New : User can only create a new layout while creating a Transaction. No layout is displayed from the drop-down list of layout field.
      • Select from the List or Create New : Using this policy, user can create a new layout or user can define a custom list of layouts which will appear at transaction end.

        You can select the type of schema like Text, Excel, etc. from the drop-down list of Schema Type. You can also search the schema from the Search box.

  13. Click Next to select the Destination application.

    Next Step

    Defining the destination application of the template

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