Web Form

Web Form

Adeptia Web Forms is an interactive feature that allows you to create a form to transfer data from a source to destination. Web Forms are so simple to use that a business user can easily create it by adding controls, customizing the appearance and layout, and adding rules that decide the behavior of the form. It contains elements such as a checkbox, text box, and many other features that you may need to use to fill the details required for data transfer.

Once created, you can use the form while creating a Template or Transaction to transfer data from the form to the Destination application.

This application is available at Source only.

Creating a Web Form

Click here to know how to create a Web Form.


A Trigger specifies when a particular Transaction will start executing. While configuring the Source of a Template, you need to choose an event. 

Following triggers are available for Web Form at Source.

Trigger Name


Trigger Name


On Form Submit

Triggers when a Form is submitted.

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