

The Scheduler in Adeptia Connect manages events and triggers process flows based on the occurrence of events. The normal state of the Scheduler is Running. However, it may be required to pause or stop occasionally for system performance or maintenance reasons. When the scheduler is Paused or Stopped, no scheduler supported Event will be fired.

Only an Admin user can access the Scheduler page.

Events are managed by the scheduler (time-based triggers) are:

  • File Event
  • FTP Event
  • Mail Event
  • Database Event
  • Timer Event
  • Calendar Event

Self-driven events i.e. events that are not managed by the scheduler (action-based events) are:

  • JMS Event
  • HTTP Event

On the scheduler page, you can sort the triggers based on the following four parameters (column headings):

  • Trigger name

  • Trigger type

  • Previous fire time

  • Next fire type

To perform sorting on any column, click on that column heading. The sorting will be performed in ascending/descending order on that column.

An arrow next to the column name indicates if the soring is in ascending () or descending () order.

Managing the Scheduler

  1. Log in to Adeptia Connect.
  2. Click Account and select Maintenance.
  3. Click Scheduler in the left pane. 

    This screen is divided into two parts. The first part displays the status of the scheduler and allows you to change the status as and when required. The second part displays a list of events that are activated (only if scheduler is running). You can deactivate an event by clicking Deactivate against the event. This will deactivate the event and remove it from the list.

    The autoCleanup and autoLogCleanup events cannot be deactivated as they are generated by the system.
  4. To view an event, click the View link against the required event. The properties of the event are displayed.
  5. To stop the Scheduler, click Stop Scheduler button. It shows 'Scheduler is stopped'.
  6. To start the scheduler, click Start Scheduler button. It shows 'Scheduler is paused'.
  7. To resume the scheduler, click Resume Scheduler button. It shows 'Scheduler is running'.
  8. To pause the Scheduler, click Pause Scheduler button. It shows 'Scheduler is paused'.

    The Pause Scheduler button changes to Resume Scheduler, once the scheduler is paused. When the scheduler is Stopped or Paused, the list of activated events is not displayed.
  9. To resume the scheduler, click Resume Scheduler button. This resumes the scheduler and displays the scheduler screen.

When Scheduler is paused or stopped, events cannot be activated or deactivated.

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