Database Info

Database Info

You can use Database Info activity to specify the Server URL (JDBC URL), Username and Password to access the database. Server URL points to a specific database on a specified database server. There is no standard for Server URL. Every JDBC driver uses a slightly different syntax. For example, a Server URL for a MySQL database using the com.mysql.jdbc driver might look like this:


Database Info uses database driver to connect to the specified Database Server.


Ensure that you have created a Database Driver activity before creating Database Info Activity.

Steps to create Database Info

  1. Click Configure > ACCOUNTS > Database Info. 

  2. Click CREATE Database Info.
  3. On Create Database Info window, enter the name and description of the new Database Source in the Name and Description textboxes respectively.

  4. Select an existing JDBC database driver activity from the Select JDBC Driver drop-down list.

    To use a new JDBC database driver activity, click Create New


    For information on how to create a database driver activity, refer to Creating Database Driver.

  5. Enter the Server URL. Click Help displayed adjacent to the Server URL text box to get help in defining the Server URL.

    For example, for database format SQL-JTDS, the URL format is- jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://<databaseServerName>:<port>/<databaseName>.

  6. Enter the username of the database server in the User text box.
  7. Enter the password for the username of the database in the Password and Confirm Password text boxes.
  8. Enter the name of the schema in the Select Schema Name or click Browse Schema to browse the schema on the database whose connection you have just created.
  9. Select Enable Connection Pooling check box to enable database connection pooling.
  10. Enter the maximum number of connections in the Maximum Connections text box that you want to keep in your connection pool at any time, default is 10.

    If you enter 0 in the Maximum Connections text box then the activity will keep an unlimited number of connections in the connection pool.
  11. Enter the minimum number of connections in the Minimum Connections text box that you want to keep in your connection pool at any time, default is 3.
  12. Enter the time in the Maximum Idle Time (seconds) text box. This field allows you to keep an ideal connection in the connection pool as per the time specified, default is 10.
  13. Enter the time, in milliseconds, in the Maximum Wait Time When Exhausted (milliseconds) text box that you want the client to wait for a connection to be checked-in or acquired when the pool is exhausted.


    If you enter 0 in the Maximum Wait Time When Exhausted (milliseconds) field then the client will wait indefinitely.
  14. Click Test Database Connection to verify the connection between Adeptia Connect and Database.
  15. Click Save.

    • If you edit any Database Info activity while it is being used at run-time then it would re-initialize the connection pool.
    • Apart from the four connection pooling settings that are visible on the Create New Database Info screen, you can change a lot of other settings of database connection pooling in the c3p0.properties file which you can find at .../<Adeptia Connect Installation folder>/AdeptiaServer/ServerKernel/etc.
    • You can also configure the c3p0.properties file for a particular Database Info activity. For this you can make a copy of c3p0.properties file and append the activity ID of the database info activity. For example, c3p0_<activityID>.properties. 

      Here <activityID> is the 30 digit ID of the Database Info activity. 
      When you use this file then at the time of execution, the connection pool properties defined in this file are used instead of the one defined in c3p0.properties file. 

  16. Expand Advanced Properties and select the project of the activity from the drop-down list of Project.

  17. Click Save.

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