cpu and memory autoscaling handled by Kubernetes
Runtime HPA:
no of pf in queued state - shared/Autoscaling
Run time pod (RabbitMQ_Concurrency :10)
For shared queue - runtime
Autoscaliing: Threshold : 5
12 PF : 10 Running , 2 Queue
16PF : 10 running, 6: queue
For dedicated queue, we have option in UI.
Configuring HPA for runtime microservice before deployment (shared queue)
autoscaler>env:>min pod , and max pod, max queue is Threshold
Configuring HPA for runtime microservice after deployment (shared queue)
go to shared directory
Open AUTOSCALING file in the in the /shared directory in edit mode
2 = min pod
2 = max pod
5 = max queue or Threshold
performance = namespace
runtime = shared queue name
runtime = name of the deployment
Save the file.
Changes are reflected within 30 secs.
Configuring HPA for runtime microservice (dedicated queue) - done only after deployment
can be performed only by admin user.
Refere to creating a queue "Creating a queue - Adeptia Connect Help v4.0 - Adeptia Docs"