Learning Objective:
Translate structured segments and elements of EDI messages adhering to the EDIFACT standard.
Convert to a fixed or variable-length positional file.
Facilitate smooth integration across various systems.
Enhance operational efficiency in managing electronic business transactions.
Cater to specific data processing requirements through standardized positional formatting.
EDIFACT is the Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce, and Transport abbreviation. This is a global set of rules defined by the UN for the inter-company electronic data exchange (EDI) between two or more business partners via EDI.
Inbound EDI Type is EDIFACT INVOIC: It is a standardized electronic document in international trade that represents a commercial invoice. The INVOIC message includes detailed information about the products or services provided and their quantities.
Outbound EDI Type is EDIFACT ORDRSP: A supplier receives an order from one of their customers and then acknowledges, or confirms receipt, of that order by sending an ORDRSP EDIFACT message in response.