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Application Health Check Prerequisite:

  1. Take the downtime from the client.

  2. Pause the scheduler 

  3. Scale down the webrunner pod.

  4. Run the below query to identify the free space in the Database.

SELECT table_schema "DataBase Name", 

sum( data_length + index_length ) / 1024 / 1024 "Database Size in MB", 

sum( data_free )/ 1024 / 1024 "Free Space in MB" 

FROM information_schema.TABLES GROUP BY table_schema;

  1. Refer the below link for the table for which we have to perform cleanup

  1. Run the optimize query “OPTIMIZE TABLE tablename;” This query will create a lock on the table and then create a new table with the same name and same data.


Post maintenance:

  1. Run the above query (point4) to verify the free space

  2. Scale up the webrunner pod

  3. Resume the scheduler

  4. Drop confirmation email to client.

Monitoring CPU and Memory Utilization Trend:

  1. Login into the Client grafana.

  2. Navigate to the dashboard and select  kubernetes-compute-resources-namespace-pods dashboard.

  3. Verify the CPU trend.

Monitoring Disk Utilization Trend:

  1. Login into the Client grafana.

  2. Navigate to the dashboard and select kubernetes-persistent-volumes dashboard.

  3. Verify the Disk utilization trend.

Log and Archival Cleanup Review:

  1. Login into environment of each customer

  2. Navigate to the system console page and verify the cleanup

Certificate Expiry:

  1. Take the backup of the cacert file.from below location

  2. Place the new cert in the same location

  3. Run the below command to add the new certificate in the cacert

keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias BOSAPIProdCert -file "D:\BOS\certs\16_may_2023\apim.sfs.operations.dynamics.com_prod.crt" -keystore "D:\BOS\certs\16_may_2023\cacerts"

  1. Restart the webrunner and runtime microservices.

License Expiry:

  1. We receive mail notification 1 month prior to license expiration.

  2. Get the latest license from Gaurav Gautam.

  3. Place the latest license into the /shared/license   location

  4. Restart the license pod.

Regency patch upgrade:

  1. Login into the regency environment using a remote desktop.

  2. Scale down the webrunner and kernel

  3. Navigate to windows update.

  4. Click on update and restart the windows

  5. Verify again if any other updates are pending

  6. Once Windows is uptodate.

  7. Restart the kernel and webrunner.

Hussmann PPT preparation

Presentation Reference LINK - Download PPT Template

This is the presentation drafted to share the updates with Hussmann

Hussmann-Adeptia Updates

Slide 1: MST Updates  Week –   11th June to 17th June 2024

Ticket Opened : 02 (02 Incidents & 0 SR -- Ticket created on Week  11th June to 17th  June 2024) 

Ticket Closed   : 02 (02 Incidents & 0 SR -- Ticket closed on Week  11th June to 17th  June 2024) 

Ticket Active    : 05(05 Incidents & 0 SR -- Tickets are currently Active) 

Open Tickets: 

  1. IN504894: Null pointer exception at pilot FTP( - Hussmann) 

Error Description: getting java.lang.NullPointerException while triggering the flow 

Staus:  Pilot want move us into SFTP, Mailed server team to provide external IP's to Pilot team, Shilpa is working on permission issue we are getting while deleting the file from FTP server.

Urgency: High, (Ticket Created Date-03/09/2024) 

  1. IN549930: OAuthEvent failures

     Error Description: Error occured while executing trigger [microsoftazure: java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException

     Status: We are getting intermittent issue while accessing the drive, mailed network team.

     Urgency: Medium, (Ticket Created Date-05/09/2024) 

  1. IN538414: Communication Issue Between Server ( and DMZ (

     Error Description: Communication Issue Between Server ( and DMZ (

     Resolution: Mail dropped to network and security team, Architecture diagram provided to team.

     Urgency: Medium, (Ticket Created Date-05/09/2024) 

  1. IN567948:

Unable to connect to sftp://HussmannSFTP@

    Error Description: Unable to connect with barkawi API

    Resolution:  Shilpa and Brian working on the fix, currently barkawi event is deactivated

     Urgency: High, (Ticket Created Date-05/23/2024) 

  1. N569900:

AdvancedDatabaseTarget Failed: USINT0600_AdeptiaStaging_to_ERP_BAAN 

    Error Description: AdvancedDatabaseTarget Failed for USINT0600

    Status: We reprocess the stuck part, working on it with Kuljeet.

    Urgency: High, (Ticket Created Date-06/05/2024)

Slide 2:

Closed Tickets:  

  1. IN561874, IN576975:

 CustomPlugin Failed failed for USINT0600

      Error Description: Stuck parts need to be updated in adeptiaDB

      Status: Query has been executed by Shilpa.

      Urgency: High, (Ticket Created Date-05/23/2024) 

Slide 3:Planned Activities

  • As planned performed the HOPS Weekly Maintenance Cycle to avoid failure notification for HOPS DB Events.  

  • Performed weekly maintenance Cycle to avoid failure notification for USINT0600 (TCAdeptiaDBP database down).  

  • We are monitoring the bank integration JPMB_PF_USINT0700_701_GenENCR_EDI820_Hussmann_JPMC  every day at 12:31 PM CST. If the integration fail, then we report it immediately as it is a critical failure.) 

  • We are monitoring the integration HUS_FTPE_USINT0706_ACS_HussmannBranch every day between 6 PM to 7 PM CST as it is time sensitive.

  • Tavant downtime performed in a weekend.

Slide 4: Migration Project Update


Slide 4: Migration Project Update

Business Value/Objective

Migrate old AIS to new AC for Dev, QA and Production Server.


  • Development Environment initial Migration completed with testing.

  • QA Environment initial Migration completed with testing.

  • Patch deployed for the issue "Sequence of activity missing and stream not consumed error" on new AC DEV and QA Box.

  • Delta Object migration for Dev environment has been completed .

  • Delta Object migration for QA environment  has been completed.

  • AC has been deployed on new Prod Cluster server and object has been deployed from old AIS  to new AC server.

  • Following integration are live in Prod: Dart, Barkawi, Blackline, Tavant, Supplier Exchange, Oracle, JPM, CitiBank, EPC

In Progress:

CRM Real time integration Testing on dev and QA is in progress 

Working on Plan to make integrations LIVE from this weekend , as this is Feb Month.

In Pipeline:

Object Live on new AC Production Server.


Risk & Mitigation Plan

  • Risk

    • Business SME needs to do a few round of testing before going LIVE. This involves CRM and team center , rest all teams have done the testing part.

    • No Load balancer is not in Place 


  • Not Applicable.

Hussmann daily Monitoring tickets


  • No labels