Design Process flow
Create REST Provider End-point
Publish the Provider (REST URL) at UI
Usecase Overview
Backend Services to fetch data (GOOD Record, Error Record, pass percentage, File status, Error description, phase v3, phase EBMR) for File Queue with pagination support and Solution table.
1. Design Process flow
Process flow:
This process flow comprises three distinct flows, each serving specific functionalities. It involves a backend query that communicates with the database to retrieve all pertinent information as per the user's request.
This flow contains the following functionality:
First flow – It enables the advanced search option like
Default flow - It shows last 30 days records like errors, status, warning and good records
Last flow – It enables a search option with an emp name or SSN
Once the flow has been designed, it must be published for the REST provider.
User Interface:
a. Default Flow: To fetch complete status
Process Overview
The Process flow is designed to view Application Data, allowing users to fetch complete statuses like good record records, error records, warnings, etc. from the User Interface (UI). This flow functions as a backend service for the REST provider API. When a user triggers the API, this flow is invoked to handle the request.
User Interface
Process Steps
Step-by-Step Process Flow
User Interface (UI) Request:
A user interacts with the UI and triggers a request to view application data.
The UI sends a request to the backend service via the REST API.
API Endpoint Invocation:
The REST provider API receives the request and routes it to the appropriate endpoint.
The endpoint is configured to handle specific data queries and statuses (good records, error records, warnings, etc.).
Backend Service Initialization:
The API endpoint invokes the backend service responsible for processing the request.
The backend service starts by validating the incoming request parameters.
Data Retrieval:
The backend service queries the database or data storage to fetch the requested application data.
It retrieves data based on the requested criteria (e.g., all records, good records, error records, warnings).
Data Processing:
The backend service processes the retrieved data to format it according to the requirements.
It filters and categorizes the data into different statuses (good records, error records, warnings).
Response Preparation:
The processed data is then packaged into a structured response.
The response includes all the necessary details and statuses requested by the user.
Sending the Response:
The backend service sends the prepared response back to the REST provider API.
The API then forwards the response to the UI.
UI Displays Data:
The UI receives the response and parses the data.
It displays the data to the user, showing complete statuses like good records, error records, warnings, etc.
Process flow Activity:
Source Activity - The source comprises a database. It is necessary to create DbInfo and DbLayout to be invoked in the source activity
Go to edit query and to write tables joining query.
You must utilize the EDIT Query option to efficiently retrieve attributes from multiple tables and display relevant information on the user interface. Additionally, you implement where clauses conditions to filter the data as needed.
Query Details:
Table Name: DB/application_dataORDERBYFILE_QUEUE_IDDESCLIMIT25OFFSETstart/
Target Layout -
Mapping - You must load the database schema and the target schema (JSON) to finalize the mapping process.
Context Target Using ContextTarget to store data in the flow which will be carried by the REST provider.
b. Advanced Search Flow
This flow process flow enables advanced search options for specific application data information within the system. It enables how the user initiates the advanced search, the interactions between the front end and back end, and the final display of the filtered results to the user.
Process flow activity:
Source Activity - The source comprises a database. It is necessary to create DbInfo and DbLayout to be invoked in the source activity
You must utilize the EDIT Query option to efficiently retrieve attributes from multiple tables and display relevant information on the user interface. Additionally, you implement conditions to filter the data as needed.
Query Details:
Table Name: DB/application_dataORDERBYFILE_QUEUE_IDDESCLIMIT25OFFSETstart/
Target Layout -
Mapping - You must load the database schema and the target schema (JSON) to finalize the mapping process.
Context Target -The target will be ContextTarget to store data in the flow for the REST provider.
c. Process Flow
Process flow activity:
Source Activity - The source comprises a database. It is necessary to create DbInfo and DbLayout to be invoked in the source activity
You must utilize the EDIT Query option to efficiently retrieve attributes from multiple tables and display relevant information on the user interface. Additionally, you implement conditions to filter the data as needed.
Table Name: DB/application_dataORDERBYFILE_QUEUE_IDDESCLIMIT25OFFSETstart/
Target Layout -
Mapping - You must load the database schema and the target schema (JSON) to finalize the mapping process.
Context Target Using ContextTarget to store data in the flow which will be carried by the REST provider.