To use Kerberos Authentication over SASL while connecting to Kafka server, you need to define a Kafka account with details as discussed below.
Click Configure > ACCOUNTS > Kafka.
- Click Create Kafka account.
- In Create Kafka Account window, do the followings:
- In the Name and Description fields, enter the name and description respectively for the new Kafka account.
- In the Broker field, enter the URL of the Kafka brokers, for example, host1:port1,host2:port2.
In the Security Protocol field, enter SSL to communicate with brokers.
- Copy “./etc/truststore/cacerts” to “./etc/security/WSkeystore” and rename the file to DefaultTruststore.jks.
In the Addon Configuration field, set the following properties.
saslMechanism=GSSAPI securityProtocol=SASL_SSL required useKeyTab=true debug=true storeKey=true keyTab="<Path to KeyTabffile> " principal="<Principal Name used in keytab> " serviceName="<servicename of broker>";
- In the Select Project field, select the project.
- Click Save.