Table of Contents | ||||||||||||||||||||
This document provides a detailed overview of the Adeptia-managed Karmak FTP server, including its design, setup, and key information.
Info |
By accessing any Pod Shell in the Karmak Prod or Sanbox namespace within Lens, you can observe the following folder paths: "/mnt/development" for AC Sandbox and "/mnt/production" for AC Production. For detailed instructions on mounting, please refer to the documentation. |
WS_FTP Server Setup and Configuration
(A network diagram should be included here to visually represent the network setup and connections.)
Issues: Error in processing with the WSFTP server (Reference Zendesk Ticket: 15198)
To Remove the pasv ports when using PostgreSQL using Product Document link:
Logged into the virtual machine (ftpkarmak1).
Opened the pgAdmin 4 application.
Logged in to the PostgreSQL Master Admin using the master password.
Navigated to the database: ws_ftp_server > schemas > public > pasv_ports.
Changed the value under the pasv_port column from 21 to an empty value ''
Customer Points of Contact for WS_FTP License Renewal