Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Corrected links that should have been relative instead of absolute.

Steps to load Source and Target Schemas

  1. Click Load Schema () on the Tool Bar or click Load Schema from the File menu. This will show you the Select Schema screen which displays a list of existing schemas.          


    If you create a new schema then it will not be displayed in this list. To refresh the list of schemas, click Synchronize.

  2. Select the schema that you want to load. 
    The Select Schema window supports the following functionality:
    • At times, the list of schemas is very long. In such a casecases, you can search for schemas to be loaded, based on the schema name or type. Enter Provide the name of the schema to be searched in the Quick Search text box and as you type letters, the search field will dynamically search for the values defined in all the schema types and update the table accordingly.
    • To refine the search, you can select the schema type from the Schema Type column. The table will display you only the schema types that you would select. For example, if you select the Excel schema type button then , you will only see the Excel Schemas and the table will be updated accordingly. By default, you will be able to see all the schema types in alphabetical order.
    • To load a schema, search the schema type and select the checkbox(s) corresponding to the schema type. You can select both the source and target schemas for the schema type. In addition, you can select a different source and target schema type. This way, you can load multiple schemas at the same time. You can also select all the check boxes to load all the schemas. There is no limit to the number of schemas that you can load at the same time.
    • You can simultaneously not load multiple web service schemas along with other schemas.
    • If you have not created any a particular schema type the then no schema will be displayed on clicking the respective schema type button.
  3. Click Load after you have selected the schema(s) to open. The schema(s) that you will select will be loaded into to the Data Mapper window.

  4. Click  (plus) to expand and display all elements of the schemas in their respective panels.




Leaf Element

Attribute Element


If you do not load any schema then all the tabs of the Data Mapper appear appears as disabled.

Configuring XSLT Transformer


Saxon transformer is much faster than Xalan. By default, Data Mapper selects the Saxon transformer to transform all of your new mapping activity.
You  You can change the parser of any existing Data Mapping activity by the following the steps below:

  1. Click Edit from the Action menu.

  2. On the Edit Data Mapping screen, click Data Mapper to edit the mapping activity.

  3. In the Data Mapper, click Actions > XSL Transformer.
  4. In the XSL Transformer dialog box, select Saxon.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Click Save to save the mapping of the Data Mapper.
  7. On the Edit Data Mapping screen, click Save to edit the mapping activity. This action will display you a confirmation message.
