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Comment: Corrected links that should have been relative instead of absolute.

Steps to create Excel Schema


As you can see in the above figure, for ID 7812, there are three policies and similarly for ID 2311 there are four policies. While defining schema, you can specify the criteria based on which the schema can define the hierarchy. For example, you can select if the ID field is blank, merge the record in the previous record, which is having ID. Similarly, you can define the criteria for the matching record. For example, if value of the ID field is matching with that of the previous record, merge the record with the previous record. 

Steps to define hierarchy

  1. While creating schema, select Import Definition File and then select Data from the Definition Files drop-down list box..
  2. Click Upload File. The Schema File Upload screen is displayed.
  3. Click Browse and select the file, you want to upload. Path of the selected file is shown in the Browse File text box.
  4. Now click Upload File. Name of the uploaded file is shown in the File Name list and list of sheets of the excel file are displayed.
  5. Specify the Start Row No. and Start Column No. of the sheets in respective fields and then click Process Sheet(s). This will read the sheets and field names. 


    The Start Row No. and Start Column No. fields specify the row and column from where the schema should start fetching data. For example, if in an excel file the first 4 rows of sheet1 are blank and you want to exclude them from your selection then, you have to specify 5 in the Start Row No. field for sheet1. Similarly, there can be some data in the first 4 rows, but you do not want to fetch those records.
  6. Once the processing is done, click Finish to close the Schema File Upload screen and return to create schema page.
  7. Once the file is uploaded the Sheet Name field is converted into the drop-down list and all the sheet names of the selected excel file are populated in this drop-down list.
  8. Select the sheet name from the Sheet Name drop-down list box. All the fields of the selected sheet are populated.
  9. To define the hierarchy, select Define Hierarchy checkbox and select the merge criteria from the Merge Criteria drop-down list box.


    Currently two merge criteria are supported: 
    Matching Child Record: The schema merges the records, in case, the values in the Key fields are matching. 
    Blank Child Record: In case, the value of the key field is blank then the schema merges the record with a previous record whose key field is not blank.
  10. Select the field name from the Merge Key drop-down list on the basis of which record are merged.
  11. Click Save to save the excel schema.
