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Comment: Corrected links that should have been relative instead of absolute.

If the number of leaf elements of the parent element in the source and target schema is same, then you can use Connect Mapping Children to map all the source elements to the corresponding target elements. 

Steps to use Connect Matching Children 

  1. Ensure that the source and target schemas destination layout are loaded and all their elements are listed under their respective nodes. Additionally, the hierarchy and name of the all elements is the same.

  2. Click and drag the parent element of the source layout to the parent element of the Destination . This will apply template of the source parent element on the target parent element, and activate the Connect Mapping Children.

  3. Click More icon of parent element and select Connect Mapping Children from the list.

  4. All the leaf elements of the parent element in the source layout will be mapped to their respective leaf elements of the parent element in the destination layout.

    Only leaf elements are mapped using this option. It does not map complex elements. To map complex elements, you need to use the drag and drop method.

Custom Auto Map

To define a mapping between the layout when the elements of source and destination layout are at the different hierarchy level (which may include elements at the different parent and child level) and have the different names, you can use the Custom Auto Map feature. This feature enables you to define the mapping between such layouts where elements to be mapped are stored in different parent and child level and in addition elements name are different. 


When you define a Custom Auto Map, by default it is in deactivated state. To use a Custom Auto Map, you need to first activate it. Once you have activated the Custom Auto Map, you can use it in your mapping. Note that only activated Custom Auto Maps can be used in a mapping. 

Steps to Activate a Custom Auto Map
