Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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Comment: Corrected links that should have been relative instead of absolute.

This section lists the prerequisites and explains how to apply the patch on Windows-based and Linux-based operating systems.

Table of Contents


Before applying the patch, ensure that you have:

  • Read and Write permissions on all sub-folders and files of ../AdeptiaSuite-<Version>.
  • Stopped Kernel and Webrunner.
  • Stopped process flows that are in Running or Queued state.
  • Deactivated any running Mail Event.
  • Take backup of jettysecurityContext.xml file from .../<AdeptiaInstallFolder>/AdeptiaServer/ServerKernel/etc/jetty location. This file will help you to update the jetty.xml file for manual changes, if you have done any. file from <AdeptiaInstallFolder>\AdeptiaServer\ServerKernel\etc\saml location. This backup file will help you replicate the manual changes in case you have done earlier in the securityContext.xml file before applying this patch.  
  • Take backup of web.xml file from <AdeptiaInstallFolder>\AdeptiaServer\ServerKernel\web\WEB-INF location. This backup file will help you replicate the manual changes in case you have done earlier in the web.xml file before applying this patch. 
  • Taken the backup of a backend database. 
    • In case, the embedded database is used as the backend database, follow the below steps to take the backup:
      1. Stop Kernel and WebRunner.
      2. Go to .../ <AdeptiaInstallFolder>/AdeptiaServer/ServerKernel folder.
      3. Copy the embeddedDB folder and keep it into a separate folder.
    • In case, any other database is used as the backend database, you need to follow the backup instructions given by that Database Server. To know, which database is used as the back end database, refer to Appendix A: Identify Backend Database.
  • In case you have updated export.xml (during Migration of objects), and you wish to keep changes after applying the patch, keep a backup of this file from the path: ...\<AdeptiaInstallFolder>\AdeptiaServer\ServerKernel\MigrationUtility. After the patch application is complete, merge the changes done in the backed up file with the new file (export.xml) generated.


    Do not replace the backup of export.xml to the newly created export.xml. Only merge the changes from the old file to the new one.

Applying the patch

For Windows

  1. Download the latest patch from the provided URL.
  2. Extract the downloaded zip file in a folder.
  3. Open the Command Prompt.
  4. Go to the folder where you have extracted the zip file.
  5. Run the following command to apply the patch:
    Apply-Patch.bat "<Path where Adeptia Suite is installed till AdeptiaServer folder>" 

    For example:

    Apply-Patch.bat "C:/Program Files/AdeptiaSuite/AdeptiaSuite-x.x/AdeptiaServer"

    Once the patch is applied, a confirmation message will be displayed.

  6. Start Kernel and WebRunner. 


After applying this patch, refer to post patch deployment section for manual changes.

Patch Deployment Steps
Patch Deployment Steps
Post Patch Deployment Steps

In this release, some manual changes are required in Connect Server.

Changes in securityContext.xml file

  1. Go to the downloaded Adeptia Connect Suite zip folder and rename copy the securityContext.xml_Server file to securityContext.xml.
  2. Copy the renamed securityContext.xml file.
  3. Replace the existing file with the copied file at the following location: <ConnectServerInstallFolder><AdeptiaInstallFolder>\AdeptiaServer\ServerKernel\etc\saml.
  4. In case you are using SAML authentication, open the updated securityContext.xml file and do the following changes:
    1. Uncomment the following property:

      <!-- <property name="entityBaseURL" value="http://localhost:8080/adeptia"/> -->
    2. Update the URL as required. Where localhost is the IP address and port of the Connect Server.
    3. Uncomment the idp.xml property:

    4. If you are using Adeptia Connect Suite with load balancer, follow these steps:
      • Remove or comment out the existing contextProvider bean
        <bean id="contextProvider" class=""/>
      • Add the below contextProvider bean
        <bean id="contextProvider" class="">
        <property name="scheme" value="http"/>
        <property name="serverName" value=""/>
        <property name="serverPort" value="8080"/>
        <property name="includeServerPortInRequestURL" value="false"/>
        <property name="contextPath" value="/adeptia"/>

      This table explains the each property of contextProvider bean:

      schemeName of the scheme (http or https).
      serverNameName of the server.
      serverPortPort number of the server.
      includeServerPortInRequestURLTo include server port number in the URL or not. It must be false.
      contextPathPrefix of a URL path used to select the context(s) to which an incoming request is passed. A URL is in the format:, where each of the path elements can be zero or more separated elements. It must be /adeptia.

      Property Name


      It will look like:

      <bean id="contextProvider" class="">
      <property name="scheme" value="http"/>
      <property name="serverName" value=""/>
      <property name="serverPort" value="8080"/>
      <property name="includeServerPortInRequestURL" value="false"/>
      <property name="contextPath" value="/adeptia"/>
    5. If there were any other changes in the old file, you have to do the same changes manually in the updated securityContext.xml file.
    6. Save the file.
  1. Restart the Connect Server.

Changes in web.xml file


  1. Go to the downloaded Adeptia Connect Suite zip folder and rename the web.xml_Server file to web.xml.Copy the renamed copy the web.xml file.
  2. Replace the existing file with the copied file at the following location: …<ConnectServerInstallFolder> <AdeptiaInstallFolder>\AdeptiaServer\ServerKernel\web\WEB-INF.
  3. Open web.xml file.
  4. Do the same manual changes in the file that you have done in your previous web.xml file (that you had saved as a backup).
  5. Save the file.

Adding certificates in cacerts file

Two new certificates need to be added to the cacerts file in the application. This step is required to update the cacerts file with COMODO renewed certificates as the existing certificates of COMODO have expired.

Follow the steps below to add the certificates: 

  1. Stop the Connect Server.
  2. Take the backup of cacerts file from the ...<AdeptiaInstallFolder>\AdeptiaServer\ServerKernel\etc\truststore location.
  3. Download the following two certificates from this link
    • 1199354.crt
    • 1720081.crt
  4. On the command prompt, run the following command to import the two new certificates to the cacerts file:

    keytool -import -file "<path_to_Certificate_file>" -keystore "<path_to_application_folder>\ServerKernel\etc\truststore\cacerts" - alias "<alias_name>" - storepass "<cacerts file password>"

       path_to_Certificate_file: The location where you have downloaded the certificates. 
    path_to_application_folder: Location of the cacerts file in the Connect Server. 
    alias_name: Alias name for '1199354.crt' and '1720081.crt' are 'USERTrust RSA Certification Authority' and 'COMODO RSA Certification Authority' respectively.
       cacerts file password: Password for the cacerts file. By default, the password for the cacerts file is 'changeit'.

  5. Restart the Connect Server.


This section is applicable only if you are using Connect Server in Linux environment.

In view of using open source Amazon Coretto JRE with this release, it is mandatory for you to install the Fontconfig library on the machine where Connect Server is running.  


Ensure that you have Read, Write, and Execute permissions in Linux environment.

Follow the steps below to install the Fontconfig library:

Run the following command to install the Fontconfig library:
       yum install fontconfig

Command to install Fontconfig library may vary for different Linux editions.


Configuring SMTP and Windows NTEvent Appender 

In case you have been using SMTP and Windows NTEvent Appender for message logging in the previous version, you need to configure these two Appenders in this version of Adeptia Connect.

  • To configure SMTP Appender, click here.
  • To configure Windows NTEvent Appender, click here.


To verify whether the patch is applied successfully:


Open the browser and visit the URL:


where hostname is the name of the server on which Connect Server is running. Developer Studio home page appears.


Once the post patch deployment steps are done, start the services, i.e. Kernel and WebRunner.