3. On the Create New Account window, specify the following information.
Field Name | Description |
Account Name | A short, descriptive name that helps you re-use this account in future. |
Access Type | This field governs the type of authentication you choose to connect to your Azure Blob. Note: You You can select Azure AD, Shared Key, or Shared Access Signatures as the Access Type. Based on your selection, the next field will ask you for the required input (Id, Key, or Signature) to proceed further. For example, if you select Azure AD as the Access Type, the next field in the form will be Tenant Id where where you’d need to enter the Tenant Id of your Azure Blob account. You can select one of the following Access Types: - Azure AD
- –
This - This option facilitates OAuth based authentication and the user experience will be the same as the other OAuth apps.
Once you select Azure AD as Access Type, you’ll require the Tenant Id to enter in the next field. To know how to get the Tenant Id refer to this page
in - in the Microsoft Azure documentation.
After clicking Continue, the user would need to enter the Azure credentials in a new window. - Shared Key –
Facilitates non- Facilitates non-OAuth based authentication. To know how to get the Shared Key, refer to this page
in - in the Microsoft Azure documentation.
As you complete all the fields and click Continue, your account will be created and saved. You may want to test if you’d be able to connect this account with Azure Blob by clicking Test. - Shared Access Signatures
- –
Facilitates non- Facilitates non-OAuth based authentication. To know how to get the Shared Access Signature, refer to this page
in - in the Microsoft Azure documentation.
As you complete all the fields and click Continue, your account will be created and saved. You may want to test if you’d be able to connect this account with Azure Blob by clicking Test.
Storage Account Name | Name of your storage account in Azure. |
Container Name | Name of the container in the selected Storage Account. |
Select Project | Name of your Project in which you want to create a Template/Transaction. |
4. Click Continue.