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Process flow keeps its data in a memory called Process Flow Context that is used by the process flow during its execution. When a process flow takes any data from the context, it uses the context source activity. Context Source is used to read a variable and stream it out to other activities of the process flow. In addition, Context Source can also read a file from the repository (WebDAV or File) and pass it to other activities. Similarly, when a process flow sends any data to the context, it uses the context target activity.

To create a Context Source/Target activity:

  1. In Process Designer, in the Repository View panel, expand select Activities > Source > Context Source.

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  2. Drag the Context Source to the Graph Canvas Area.

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  3.  In the Graph Canvas Area, right- click the Context Source and click select View Properties. Alternately, you can double-click the Context Source element. This displays the properties of the context source.

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    A list of properties and their descriptions are explained in the table below: 

    eventContextEnabled Context Source activity. By default, it is same as the Variable name.Name of the Process .Activity Type whether Context Source or Context Target




    Label of the Context Source Activity displayed in the Canvas area.


    Activity Type whether Context Source or Context Target.

    AliasName of the Record Queue Producer activity. By default, it is Record Queue Producer.
    Activity Maximum Retries on FailureMaximum number of retries on the failure of an activity to connect to the server. The process flow resumes, if it finds a connection within the specified retries, otherwise aborts the process flow.
    Activity Wait Time (in seconds) between RetriesTime (in seconds) between successive retries.
    AsyncSpecifies whether the activity will be executed in Sync mode or A-sync mode. Record Queue Producer is always executed in a-sync mode. This field is non-editable. 
    Character Set EncodingCharacter set encoding used for parsing, in case input data is XML.
    Document Repository

    This property specifies whether the data is to be taken from the value of process flow variable, or from the document repository.

    If it is set to false, the source data is taken from the Process Flow variable, specified by the Parameter Name property.

    If it is set to true, the source data is taken from the repository file specified by the File Name (with full Path) property. Specify the path of the document repository and the name of the repository file, from which the data is to be taken, in this field. The repository can be WebDAV repository or file repository.

    Event Context EnabledBy default it is set to No. Select Yes to pass any data on the event. For example, if you are triggering the process flow using Mail Event and you want to pass the content of the email to the process flow, set this property to yes.
    FormatData Format; whether Plain Type or Record Type. Select Plain Type, if the data is in the Byte Stream. Select Record type, if the data is in the record format.


    Label of the Context Source Activity displayed in the Graph Canvas area.

    Parameter NameName of the Process

    Repository Folder

    Name and path of the WebDAV folder. This property is displayed only if the Document Repository property is set to True.


    Flow variable, whose value is to be taken as a context source. This property is applicable only when the Document Repository property is set to false


    Name of the stream being consumed by this activity. This property is non-editable and is applicable only for Context Target.


    Name of the output stream name. This property is non-editable and is applicable only for Context Source.


    Specifies whether the activity will be executed in Sync mode or A-sync mode.


    Version ControlSpecifies whether versions are to be maintained in the repository file created by Context Target or not. This property is displayed only if the Document Repository property is set to True.