Versions Compared


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Comment: Corrected links that should have been relative instead of absolute.

This section is applicable only if you want to use Web Forms with Adeptia Connect. You need to configure the following to access Web Forms in Adeptia Connect:


Ensure Before start configuring, ensure that you have :


To configure:


applied the latest patch of Adeptia Connect.

You can configure Web Forms in MySQL, SQL Server, and Oracle database only.

To configure Web Forms in Adeptia Connect:

  1. Import Adeptia Suite and Adeptia Connect public certificate to Adeptia Suite Truststore. This step is mandatory only if you are accessing Adeptia Suite through HTTPS protocol.  
    1. Export Public Key 
      The steps to export the key varies from browser to browser. The following are the steps to export the public key in Google Chrome browser. You need to follow the same steps to export Adeptia Suite and Adeptia Connect public key.
      1. Open the browser and type the HTTPS URL to access Adeptia Suite.

        Type Adeptia Connect URL to export Adeptia Connect public key.
      2. Click Image Added > More tools > Developer tools.
      3. Click Security tab. 
      4. Click View Certificate.

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      5. On the Certificate window, on the Details tab, click Copy to File.

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      6. Click Next to start exporting the certificate.

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      7. Choose DER encoded binary X.509 (.CER) and click Next.

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      8. Specify the location to save the exported file and click Next.

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      9. Click Finish to export. A dialog box appears confirming the export process have been completed successfully.
      10. Click OK to exit from the wizard.

    2. Import Adeptia Suite and Adeptia Connect certificate into Adeptia Suite Truststore. Below are the steps to import Adeptia Suite certificate into Adeptia Suite truststore. Follow the same steps to import Adeptia Connect certificate into Adeptia Suite truststore.  
      1. Open Command Prompt (press Win + R and type cmd).
      2. Go to the directory where JRE is installed (for example, C:/Program Files/Java/jre8/bin).
      3. Run the following Keytool command to import a certificate.
        keytool -import -trustcacerts -file <Path_of_SSL_Certificate> -alias <alias_name> -keystore <Path of Truststore file> -storepass changeit


                  <Path_of_SSL_Certificate> is the path of Adeptia Suite or Adeptia Connect SSL certificate.

                  <Path of Truststore file> is the path of Adeptia Suite Truststore.

        For example, keytool -import -trustcacerts -file C:/adeptia.cer -alias selfsign -keystore "C:/Program Files/AdeptiaSuite-6.9/AdeptiaServer/ServerKernel/etc/truststore/cacerts"

  2. Apply the Web Form patch by following the same steps applied in Adeptia Suite patch.
  3. After applying the patch, create a new database with utf-8 character set. Depending on the database you are using, expand the database to find the query to create a new database. 

    create database <database_name> default character set "utf8" default collate "utf8_unicode_ci";
    titleSQL Server
    create database <database_name>; 

    Adeptia supports Oracle 12c and 11g only. Depending on the version you are using, follow the wizard to create a new database.

    After creating the new database, you need to create a user other than System user and grant access to the Oracle database (created above) to the new user.

    1. Log in to the new database created above.
    2. Create a user by executing the following command:
                <Username> is the name of the user.
                <Password> is the password to authenticate a user.
    3. Run the following queries to grant permissions:

      Code Block
      GRANT create session TO <Username>;
      GRANT create table TO <Username>;
      GRANT create view TO <Username>;
      GRANT create any trigger TO <Username>;
      GRANT create any procedure TO <Username>;
      GRANT create sequence TO <Username>;
      GRANT create synonym TO <Username>;
      GRANT create sequence TO <Username>;
      GRANT create any index TO <Username>;
      GRANT create sequence TO <Username>;
      GRANT alter any table TO <Username>;
            <Username> is the name of the new user created above.
  4. Go to .../<AdeptiaInstallFolder>/ServerKernel/etc folder.
  5. Open file in the Text Editor.
    In the Rich Forms group, 
    1. Type https in the abpm.frevvo.httpScheme property to access Web Forms in a secure mode.


      Skip this step if you are accessing Adeptia Suite through HTTP protocol.

    2. Type the URL of the server hosting Adeptia Suite in the <param-value> parameter of the frevvo.internal.baseurl property. The format of the URL is: <protocol_name>://<ipaddress>:<port_no>.
                 <protocol_name> is the protocol you are using, for example, http or https.
                 <IPaddress> is the domain name or IP address of the server hosting Adeptia Suite.
                 <Port_No> is the port number of the server hosting Adeptia Suite.
    3. Type the URL of the server hosting Tomcat in the <param-value> parameter of the frevvo.forms.server.external.url property. The format of the URL is: <protocol_name>://<ipaddress>:<port_no>.
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    4. In Frevvo Database Configuration subgroup, provide the details of the database you are using in the properties.

      Property Name
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    In the Web Server category, in the 
    1. Description
    1. frevvo.
    public.address property, type the IP address of the server hosting Adeptia Suite. 
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    Save the file.
  6. Restart Kernel and WebRunner.
  7. Open the browser and type the URL in the format: 
               <protocol_name> is the protocol you are using, for example, http or https.
               <IPaddress> is the domain name or IP address of the server hosting Adeptia Suite.
               <Port_No> is the port number of the server hosting Adeptia Suite.
    For example, http
    1. db.driver

      Name of the Frevvo database driver URL.

      MySQL: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver


      Oracle: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver


      Name of the Frevvo database connection URL. The format of the URL for MySQL and SQL Server database is:


      If you are using a named instance of SQL Server database then enter the URL in the following format:


      For example,

      MySQL: jdbc:mysql://192.168.1.

  8. On the Update License screen, type the license key. Contact Adeptia Support Team for the license key.

  9. Login to Frevvo using following default credentials and create a tenant:
    Username: admin@d
    Password: admin
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    On the Manage server screen, click Manage Tenants.
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  10. On the Tenants screen, click Image Removed.
  11. On the Add New Tenant screen, type adeptia in the Tenant IdAdmin User IdTenant NameAdmin User PasswordTenant Description, and Re-enter Admin User Password.
  12. Type in the Admin User Email Address.
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  13. Click Submit. This creates your tenant.
  14. Logout from Frevvo.
  15. Now login to Frevvo using following credentials and deploy Adeptia Template Rich Form.   
    Username: adeptia@adeptia
    Password: adeptia
    Click Home.
    Image Removed
    Click Upload.
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    On the Upload Application screen, click Choose File, and upload file from the folder where you have extracted Frevvo patch.
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  16. Click Upload.
    This deploys Adeptia Template Rich Form.
  17. Click Styles from the left menu. 
  18. Click Upload.
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    On the Upload Application screen, click Choose File, and upload file from the folder where you have extracted Frevvo patch.
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  19. Click Upload.
    This deploys Connect Color Scheme style file.
  20. Click My Applications from the left menu. The list of all applications appears on the right side of the screen.
  21. Click Properties on the Adeptia Template.
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    On the Adeptia Template Properties screen, select ConnectColorScheme option in the Choose Style property.
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  22. Click Update.
  23. Click Edit on the Adeptia Template.
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    Click Edit on the AdeptiaForm.
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  24. On the Adeptia Form, expand PROPERTIES and then click the Style tab.
  25. Select ConnectColorScheme option in the Style property.
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  26. Click Image Removedto save and exit from the form.


Verifying Configuration

After you have configured the steps, you need to verify whether Web Forms are accessible or not. To verify:

  1. Login to Adeptia Connect.
  2. Click Configure > Web Forms.
  3. Click CREATE Web Form.
  4. On the Create Web Form window, provide the details of the Web Form. 
  5. In the Design Form, clickImage Removedto open the form. 
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    On clicking, if the Web Form opens in a new tab, indicates you have configured Web Forms in Adeptia Connect successfully.
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    For more information. click here.
    1. 2:3306/frevvoDB

      SQL-Server: jdbc:sqlserver://;databaseName=frevvo

      SQL-Server (using instance): jdbc:sqlserver://;databaseName=frevvo;instanceName=adeptia

      The format of the URL for Oracle database is:

      Oracle: jdbc:oracle:thin:@<IPaddress_on_which_Database_is_installed>:<Database_Port_No>:<Database_Name_Created_in_Step3>

      for example, jdbc:oracle:thin:@

      abpm.frevvo.db.usernameDatabase username you are using. In case you are using Oracle then type the user name that you have created in the database in Step 3.
      abpm.frevvo.db.passwordPassword to access database. In case you are using Oracle then type the password that you have provided in the database in Step 3. To use an encrypted password of the database, change the value of 'encrypt' property to "y".
      abpm.frevvo.dbTypeDatabase you are using, for example, MySQL, SQL-Server, Oracle.

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    In the Web Server category, in the abpm.webserver.public.address property, type the IP address of the server hosting Adeptia Suite. 

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    Save the file.
  6. Go to the extracted Web Form patch folder.  
    1. Open jetty.xml.
    2. Copy the highlighted code from the file.

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    3. Open jetty.xml file in the Text Editor from the .../<AdeptiaInstallFolder>/ServerKernel/etc/jetty folder.
    4. Replace the copied code in the file.
    5. Save the file.
  7. Go to .../<AdeptiaInstallFolder>/ServerKernel/etc/jetty/contexts folder.
  8. Rename richForms.xml_disable file to richForms.xml.
  9. Restart Kernel and WebRunner. This will create Frevvo related tables in the newly created database.


Next Step 

Verifying Patch