- When streaming is passed to child flow in File Mode:
import com.adeptia.connect2.runtime.RuntimeUtils;
RuntimeUtils.setChildContextForCustomFlow(inputStream, context, service.getLogger(), "<<ACTION_NAME>>");
ACTION_NAME is the name of the call or spawn.
for example,
RuntimeUtils.setChildContextForCustomFlow(inputStream, context, service.getLogger(), "Action_Name");
Info Ensure that you have provided the <<ACTION_NAME>> in double quotes (" "). Ensure that the source activity is File Source when streaming is passed in File Mode and eventContextEnable must be trueis true.
Ensure that you have provided the <<ACTION_NAME>> in double quotes (" "). When streaming is passed to child flow in Memory Mode:
import com.adeptia.connect2.runtime.RuntimeUtils;
RuntimeUtils.setChildContextForCustomFlow(inputStream, context, service.getLogger(), "<<ACTION_NAME>>", true, "<<contextVarName>>");
ACTION_NAME is the name of the call or spawn.
contextVarName is the name of the context variable that will be used as Key to put stream data on context.Info title Note In Memory mode, it is mandatory to use Context Source in child flow, and eventContextEnable must be false.
Ensure that you have provided the <<ACTION_NAME>> and contextVarName in double quotes (" ").
When no Stream is passed to child flow:
import com.adeptia.connect2.runtime.RuntimeUtils;
RuntimeUtils.setChildContextForCustomFlow(context, service.getLogger(), "<<ACTION_NAME>>");
ACTION_NAME is the name of the call or spawn.
Info Ensure that you have provided the <<ACTION_NAME>> in double quotes (" ").