Versions Compared


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Comment: Corrected links that should have been relative instead of absolute.

What's New in this Release?

  • Single Installer for Adeptia Connect
    With this release, you can now use Single Installer to install both Connect Portal (UI) and Connect Server (backend) on a machine. However, if required you can opt to install portal and server at different machines. Click here to know more about the new installation.
    Support for Granular Access Control in Adeptia Connect 
    With Granular Access Control (GAC), a company can now manage entities of Adeptia Connect through role-based access. This is available only in a beta version and controlled through license, therefore ensure to have relevant license and read the guidelines to before you GAC. This helps you understand its impact on existing environment.
    This feature helps you to filter project and other activities to perform the specific actions. However, a company can create a set of roles for their each Business Segment. Click here to Support for web-based Process Designer in Adeptia Connect 
    Adeptia Connect now gives you the flexibility to design process flows in web-based process designer (Web PD). This feature reduces the dependency on Process Designer applet for designing process flow. You can launch Web PD through Manage Objects page. Click here to know how to use this feature. 

  • Support for web-based Data Mapper in Adeptia Connect
    By using this enhancement, you can now create and manage Mapping through a web-based Mapper (Web Mapper) in Adeptia Connect. This feature curtails the dependency on Mapping applet. Click here to know how to use this feature.

  • Support for Projects AIMap in Adeptia Connect Connect
    You can now select the Project while creating different activities, such as a template, Web Forms, Mapping, Accounts, and Layout. This feature helps you to manage objects of your process within a project and perform basic operations. Click here to know how to use this feature.
    Support for Role Creation and its Limitations 
    Now, company users can create new roles and assign multiple roles to a user.  A partner user cannot create new roles using GAC. Check permission model guidelines to know what all actions a user can perform.
    Support for Versioning in Adeptia Connect 
    Adeptia Connect now supports version Control through GIT for versioning the objects within a Project. This feature provides Check-in, view revision history, and replace options for various activities of Transaction, Configure, and Manage Objects page. Click here to know more about Version Control System.
    Google Sheet API V4 for Adeptia Connect
    Adeptia Connect now supports Google Sheet API V4 for all Target Actions (Add Records to Worksheet, Update Records to Worksheet, Add or Update Records to Worksheet, and Delete Worksheet). This will help to reduce the upload time.
    Support to Test a Layout 
    You can now test following layouts both at Source and Target end:
    • Text
    • Excel
    • Positional
    • JSON
    • XML
    • IDOC
    Click here to know how to Test a Layout Activity.
  • More Activity added for Manage Objects Page
    You can now create and manage the following activities through Manage Objects Page:
  • JMS Provider
  • JMS Source
  • JMS Target 
  • JMS Event
  • File Event
  • Database Source
  • Database Target
  • Database Event
  • Database Info
  • Database Driver
  • Database Layout
  • LAN File Source
  • LAN File Target 
  • Support for Overriding JMS Target Message Properties 
    Adeptia Connect now supports to dynamically define the message properties or manually enter the message properties while creating the JMS Target activity. This feature helps you to manually enter the values. Click here to know how to use this feature.
    Support for Mail Event Properties in Transaction/Template 
    You can now configure mail event properties while creating Transaction/Template. This feature helps you to send a notification to receiver email-id if an error happens on Trigger.
    Support for FTP Event Properties in Transaction/Template
    Connect now supports configuring FTP Event properties while creating Transaction/Template. This feature helps you to choose the Connector, enable or ignore misfire, create a Log file of FTP activity, and select the option to trigger the Transaction/Template in a sequential manner while creating Transaction/Template. Click here to Adeptia Connect now supports AIMap feature in Mapper. This feature automates the process of creating mapping activity by providing suggestions (applicable only for single source and single target). It also eases the process to create Data Mapping. Click here to know more about this option. 

  • Support for Audit Trail in Adeptia Connect
    Adeptia Connect now supports accessing and archiving the Audit Trail Logs. With the help of this feature, you can view Audit Trail logs of various entities from Adeptia Connect UI. Click here to know how to use this option. 

  • Support for Advanced Search in Adeptia Connect
    Adeptia Connect now supports the Advanced Search feature in Template, Transaction, Network, Partner, and Dashboard pages. This feature helps you to apply filters to the search for fetching the most relevant results. Click here to know how to use this feature. 

  • Support for View-Only User in Adeptia Connect
    Adeptia Connect now supports View-Only User type and this is applicable for Hub User. View-Only User has only the view permissions on all the entities that are visible to a Business User. Click here to know more about this user type. 

  • Support for adding a Network without Deactivating a Partner
    You can now add a new network to a partner without deactivating the partner. This feature helps you quickly add multiple networks to an existing partner. Click here to know more about this option.

  • Support for Blank Transaction/Template Parameters Value
    Adeptia Connect now supports to mark the Transaction/Template Parameters mandatory or optional. Click here to know more about this option.

  • Support for Domain-Specific Login 
    With this enhancement, you can now do a domain-specific login for LDAP usersfor Global Logout option for SAML SSO 
    Adeptia Connect now supports Global Logout for SAML SSO. This feature helps to reduce the login time. Visit Accessing Adeptia Connect page to know morethe user to log out from IDP and Local Server at the same time.

  • Support for Record Separator in Positional/Advanced Positional Layout 
    While creating a positional or advanced positional layout, you can now remove or keep record separator at the end of data. Click here to know more about this option.
    Support to Display Partner in Tile Format in Transaction
    Adeptia Connect now supports to display the Partner in Tile format while creating Transaction. Click here to know more about publishing a Web Form in More Action list
    By using this enhancement, a user can now publish view published web forms in the More Action option in the Advanced Positional Layout, Advanced Text Layout, Excel Layout, Positional Layout, Text Layout, and Dashboard pages. Click here to know how to use this feature.

  • Support for Grant Access on Project Quickly Activate/Deactivate Transaction in Adeptia Connect Connect
    You can now select the Partners to grant access of the Projectactivate/deactivate the Transactions without clicking the refresh icon. This feature helps you to see all the activities of a partner while creating Transaction.  Click here quickly activate/deactivate the Transactions. Click here to know more about this option. 

  • Support to Execute Local and LAN Files for Linux System for Upgraded Components in Adeptia Connect Connect
    Adeptia Connect now supports to execute both local directory files and LAN files in LAN File Source and Target for Linux System. 
    Support to Display EAR Value in Template View Page
    With this enhancement, you can now view the EAR value in Template View PageFollowing components are upgraded in Adeptia Connect:
    • Java 8 to latest version JRE 1.8.0_202-b08
    • Tomcat Version 9.0.16
    • Microsoft SQL JDBC Jar to v6.1.4 

  • Support for Creating and Importing a Partner while creating a Transaction
    By using this enhancement, you can create and import partner while creating a Transaction. This feature helps you to minimize screen navigation. It also eases the process to create a Transaction. Click here to know how to use this feature. 


  • Support for Changing the Network Mandatory Parameters and Parameter Type in Adeptia Connect
    By using this enhancement, you can change the Network Mandatory Parameters and Parameter Type. This feature helps you quickly modify the parameters of a network. Click here to know how to use this feature. 

  • Enhanced Security Updates 
    With this release, you get security updates to protect your transactions against vulnerabilities and attacks. Click here to know more about security settings.

Bug Fixes

Following Bugs have been fixed in this release:

  • Issue with creating a text schema in Adeptia Connect through a file upload. 
  • Content routing service does not complete successfully for punch-out flow and the flows remain stuck in ”Running State”. 
  • Connect throws a Null Pointer exception while using a P2P template created by a user who is deactivated. 
  • Error while user tries to write to Amazon S3 when it is not publicly accessible. 
  • Transaction name gets truncated in tile view. 
  • Process flow execution timing out due to large volume date. 
  • Transaction fails when Spazio is used as source and AmazonS3 as target while Auto-generated file option is checked. 

  • At manage object page & process flow page server-side modified date should be displayed. 

  • Error message while user unable to login Adeptia Suite from Connect GUISplitting Data and Parallel processing checkboxes are selected automatically while migrating Data Mapping using retain.xml file with MySQL Database.
  • An EDI 837 Institutional file, which has missing mandatory sub-elements, gets processed successfully without any error. 
  • Standard users (IT/Business/Sys Admin) were unable to log in after enabling SAML Authentication and GAC.
  • Error message for insufficient Database permission while applying the patch on Adeptia Connect using MySQL secured connection. 
  • Error message while receiving an EDI file from Spazio queue using other than AS2 protocol. 
  • Issue related to opening Developer's Studio from AdeptiaConnect on Internet Explorer.
  • After upgrading to the latest release, the archive logs were not accessible from the user interface. 
  • Connection to the database URL failed for a Store Procedure activity using DB info that was created using vault.
  • Issue while checking Data Usage and Transactions executed by Partner under My Network section on the home screen. 
  • Some transactions were not executed when PF Pause feature was enabled.
  • Inbound Transaction with NetSuite as a source gets stuck in 'refresh' state while activating the Transaction.

  • Click here to new features in  Click here to view bug fixes of Developer's Studio or Connect Server.


See also

Patch Deployment Guide