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Users need to do additional steps if the configured LDAP Server configured is secured. Follow these steps to configure Connect with Secured with secured LDAP. 

  1. Import the LDAP Server certificate in AIS cacert (/Serverkernel/etc/truststore/cacerts) using below command.

    keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias <<ANY_ALIAS_NAME>> -file "<<CERTIFICATE_FILE_PATH>>" -keystore "<<AIS_CACERT_PATH>>"

    For example,
    keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias ldapssl -file "C:\Users\administrator.ADEPTIA\Desktop\" -keystore "C:\Program Files\AdeptiaSuite_6.9.4\AdeptiaSuite-6.9\AdeptiaServer\ServerKernel\etc\truststore\cacerts"

    1. After importing the LDAP Server certificate, you will be prompted to enter the keystore password. The default password is changeit.
    2. Enter yes, when prompted to trust the certificate.

  2. Follow the below steps to configure LDAP properties.

    1. Expand the LDAP Authentication node.

    2. Modify the value of the abpm.ldap.provider.url property.

      1. Set the protocol to ldaps.
      2. Set the port number for SSL request. By default, the port number is 636.

        For example,

    3. Set the value of the abpm.ldap.enableLdapOverSSL property to yes.

  3. Click Save to save the changes.

  4. Restart Kernel and WebRunner to bring the configuration changes into effect. 
