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  1. Anchor
    Extract file.
  2. In the extracted folder, rename frevvo.war to file.
  3. Open the frevvo zip file. 
    1. Open WEB-INF folder.
    2. Open urlrewrite.xml file in the Text Editor.
    3. Type the URL of the server hosting Adeptia Suite in the <to> tag. The format of the URL is: <protocol_name>://<ipaddress>:<port_no>/frevvo.
                 <protocol_name> is the protocol you are using, for example, http or https.
                 <IPaddress> is the domain name or IP address of the server hosting Adeptia Suite.
                 <Port_No> is the port number of the server hosting Adeptia Suite.

    4. Save the file. 
  4. Rename file to frevvo.war.
  5. Stop Tomcat.
  6. Copy frevvo.war to .../<TomcatInstallFolder>/webapps folder.
  7. Start Tomcat.
  8. Open the browser and type the URL of the server hosting Adeptia Suite in the format: 
               <protocol_name> is the protocol you are using, for example, http or https.
               <IPaddress> is the domain name or IP address of the server hosting Adeptia Suite.
               <Port_No> is the port number of the server hosting Adeptia Suite.
    For example,
  9. On the License Expired screen, type the license key and click Submit. Contact Adeptia Support Team for the license key.

  10. Sign in to Frevvo using following default credentials and create a tenant:
    Username: admin@d
    Password: admin
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    Image Added

    1. On the Manage server screen, click Manage Tenants.
      Image Removed
      Image Added

    2. On the Tenants screen, click Image RemovedImage Added.
    3. On the Add New Tenant screen, type adeptia in the Tenant IdAdmin User IdTenant NameAdmin User PasswordTenant Description, and Re-enter Admin User Password.
    4. Type in the Admin User Email Address.
      Image Removed
      Image Added

    5. Click Submit. This creates your tenant.
    6. Sign out from the user account.

  11. Now sign in to Frevvo using following credentials and deploy Adeptia Template Rich Form.   
    Username: adeptia@adeptia
    Password: adeptia
    1. Click Home.
      Image Removed
      Image Added

    2. Click Upload.
      Image Removed
      Image Added

    3. On the Upload Application screen, click Choose File, and upload file from the folder where you have extracted RichForm patch.

    4. Click Upload.
      This deploys Adeptia Template Rich Form.
    5. Click Styles from the left menu. 
    6. Click Upload.

    7. On the Upload Style screen, click Choose File, and upload file from the folder where you have extracted RichForm patch.

    8. Click Upload.
      This deploys Connect Color Scheme style file.
    9. Click My Applications from the left menu. The list of all applications appears on the right side of the screen.
    10. Click Properties on the Adeptia Template.

    11. On the Adeptia Template Properties screen, select ConnectColorScheme option in the Choose Style property.

    12. Click Update.
    13. Click Edit on the Adeptia Template.

    14. Click Edit on the AdeptiaForm.

    15. On the Adeptia Form, expand PROPERTIES and then click the Style tab.
    16. Select ConnectColorScheme option in the Style property.

    17. Click to save and exit from the form.
    This configures your Web Forms in Adeptia Connect.
