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You can map source and target elements using certain buttons on the Tool Bar. These buttons are explicated as:

 One to One Mapping
If the number of leaf elements of the parent element in the source and target schema is same, then you can use the One to One mapping button to Connect Mapping Children to map all the source elements to the corresponding target elements. 

Steps to use One to One mapping Connect Matching Children 

  1. Ensure that the source and target schemas are loaded and all their elements are listed under their respective nodes. Additionally, the hierarchy and name of the all elements is the same.

  2. Click and drag the parent element of the source


    layout to the parent element of the

    target schema

    Destination . This will apply template of the source parent element on the target parent element, and activate

    the One to One Mapping button.Click One to One Mapping ( Image Removed ) button.

    the Connect Mapping Children.

    Image Added

  3. Click More icon of parent element and select Connect Mapping Children from the list.

    Image Added

  4. All the leaf elements of the parent element in the source


    layout will be mapped to their respective leaf elements of the parent element in the

    target schema

    destination layout.


  1. Info
    Only leaf elements are mapped using this


  1. option. It does not map complex elements. To map complex elements, you need to use the drag and drop



If multiple schemas are loaded, then dragging a source parent element will map all leaf elements of schemas displayed previous to the current schema.

Moreover, in multiple schemas, mapping can be performed between parents at any level, if the number of their leaf elements is the same.

 Auto Mapper
If the hierarchy and the names of the complex elements are similar, then you can use the Auto Mapper option to map the source elements to the corresponding target elements. In case of complex elements, the hierarchy and the name of all elements must be the same. 

Steps to use the Auto Mapper

  1. Ensure that the source and target schemas are loaded and all their elements are listed under their respective nodes. Additionally, the hierarchy and name of the all elements is the same.

    Image Removed
    Same Hierarchy and Element Names

  2. Click Auto Mapper ( Image Removed ) button. The Auto Mapper Options dialog box is displayed.

    Image Removed
    Auto Mapper Options

  3. Select the mapping criteria from the Choose the Criteria dropdown list. Its options are listed as:
    • Ignore Case: The source and the target elements are mapped even if they are of different case. Their attributes are not mapped.
    • Case Sensitive: The source and target elements are mapped only if they are of the same case. Their attributes are not mapped.
    • Ignore Case and Include Attributes: The source and target elements and their attributes are mapped even if they are of different case.
    • Case Sensitive and Include Attributes: The source and target elements and their attributes are mapped, only if they are of the same case.
    • Consider Only Leaf Element Count: The source and target elements are mapped only if the number of leaf elements in the source schema and target schema are the same. It is not necessary that names of source and target elements are similar. Their attributes are not mapped.
    • Consider Only Leaf Element Count and Include Attributes: The source and target elements and their attributes are mapped only if the number of leaf elements in the source schema and target schema are the same. It is not necessary that names of source and target elements are similar.
  4. Click OK button. All elements of the source and target schema will automatically be mapped based on the selected criteria.

Image Removed
Mapped Elements using Auto Mapper

 Remove All Mappings
You can use the Remove All Mappings option to remove all mappings from the Data Mapper.

Steps to remove all mappings between source and target elements 

  1. Click Remove all Mapping ( Image Removed ) button. The Remove Options screen is displayed. This screen displays a list of the properties, variables, custom methods, keys and templates associated with a mapped element, which can be removed with the mapping.

    Image Removed

    Remove Options


    You can remove mapping associated with each element individually. For details, refer to the section Remove Mapping of an Element.


Select the checkbox(s) of the options that you want to remove and click OK button. All the selected options and all mappings between source and target elements will be removed.


You can remove mapping associated with each element individually. For details, refer to the section Remove Mapping of an Element.

Custom Auto Map


  1.  method.

Custom Auto Map

To define a mapping between the schemas layout when the elements of source and target schema destination layout are at the different hierarchy level (which may include elements at the different parent and child level) and have the different names, you can use the Custom Auto Map feature. This feature enables you to define the mapping between such schemas layouts where elements to be mapped are stored in different parent and child level and in addition elements name are different. 

Scope of a Custom Auto Map

You can also select the scope of a Custom Auto Map at the time of defining and saving it. Scope of a Custom Auto Map is the context within which it is defined and is accessible within or across the user groups. A Custom Auto Map can be defined in any of the following scope: 

    • Global: The Custom Auto Maps defined within Global scope are available within all the mapping activities. Once you create a global Custom Auto Map in a mapping activity, you can use it in all the mapping activities.
    • Group: The Custom Auto Maps defined within Group scope are available only within the specific user group
  • .

By default, a Custom Auto Map is saved in the Global scope and in the Parameter Panel; it is added and displayed under the folder Custom Auto Map/Global. If you select to save the Custom Auto Map in the Group scope then in the Parameters Panel, it is added and displayed under the folder Custom Auto Map/Group. You can also change the scope of a Custom Auto Map from Group to Global directly from the Parameters Panel by right-clicking the Custom Auto Map and selecting the Move to Global option. However, you cannot change the scope of a Custom Auto Map from Global to Group.


  • Defining a Custom Auto Map
  • Activating a Custom Auto Map
  • Using a Custom Auto Map in Mapping


Defining a Custom Auto Map

You can define a Custom Auto Map by both manually providing the names of the source and target elements to be mapped in the Custom Auto Map Dialog screen window or by defining the names of source and target elements to be mapped in a CSV file and then loading the CSV file in the Custom the Custom Auto Map Dialogscreenwindow. Loading a CSV file is useful when you have a large set of source and target elements destination element to be mapped.

Defining a Custom Auto Map



Steps to Manually Define a Custom Auto Map

  1. Ensure that the source and target schemas are loaded in the Data Mapper and all their elements are listed under their respective nodes.

    Image Removed

    Source and Target Schemas with different Element Names

  2. Click the Custom Auto Map Image Removed button on the tool bar or the Add Parameters icon from parameter panel and select Custom Auto Map  from the Actions menu. The option. 

    Image Added

  3. The Custom Auto Map Dialog screen is window is displayed.

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    Custom Auto Map Dialog screen

  4. Enter the name of Custom Auto Map in the Name textbox.

  5. Image Added

  6. Select the scope of the Custom Auto Map. By default, the radio button  Global is selected and a Custom Auto Map is saved in the Global scope.


    If you want to save the Custom Auto Map within the current user group, select the Group
     radio button
    option. This will save the Custom Auto Map as the group Custom Auto Map and can be used in any mapping activity within the current user group. In the Parameters panel, the Custom Auto Map will be displayed under the folder hierarchy Custom Auto Map
  7. Click the Add Image Removed button to add a new row for Source Element and Target Element columns. You can also add a row by pressing the 


     key. This will add the row immediately next to the row which is currently selected

    the name of Custom Auto Map in the Name textbox.

  8. Enter the name of the source element for which you want to define Custom Auto Map in the Source Element column(s) column.
  9. Enter the name of the target element to which you want to map the source element specified in previous step, in the Target Element(s) column.
    Image Removed
    Custom Auto Map Dialog
     Image Added

  10. Click Add Row to add a new row for Source Element and Target Element columns. This will add the row immediately next to the row which is currently selected.

    If you need to delete any row,
    select the respective row and
    click the Delete
     Image Removed
     button of that respective row.
  11. Click the Save & Close Image Removed button button to save the Custom Auto Map. This will add the Custom Auto Map in Custom Auto Map hierarchy in thethe Parameter Panel. Similarly, you can add more Custom Auto Map.

Image Removed
Parameters Panel


  1. Image Added

Defining a Custom Auto Map Using a CSV File

The Custom Auto Map feature also enables you to load a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file. You can use the set of values from the csv file which are separated by comma as a Map set for your process flow. For example, if you want to map the following source and target elements:


Steps to Define a Custom Auto Map Using a CSV File

  1. In the Custom the Custom Auto Map Dialog screenwindow, enter the name of Custom Auto Map in the Name textboxthe Name textbox and select the scope of the Custom Auto Map.
  2. Click the CSV Image Removed Upload CSV button to load a csv file if you want to map the values using the values defined in the csv file. The server will consider the comma separated pair of values as the source and target elements to be mapped.

    Image Removed

    Custom Auto Map Dialog: Load CSV

    An Open window is displayed.

    Image Added

  3. Browse and select the respective csv file.
  4. Click Open to upload the csv file. This will populate the source and target elements columns with the values defined in the CSV file.

  5. Select the scope of the Custom Auto Map (see Figure 404).

    Image Removed

    Custom Auto Map Dialog

  6. Image Added

  7. Click the Save & Close Image Removed button to save the Custom Auto Map. This will add the Custom Auto Map value map in Custom Auto Map hierarchy in the Parameter Panel.


  1. Image Added


Similarly you can add more Custom Auto Maps.

Activating a Custom Auto Map

When you define a Custom Auto Map, by default it is in deactivated state. To use a Custom Auto Map, you need to first activate it. Once you have activated the Custom Auto Map, you can use it in your mapping. Note that only activated Custom Auto Maps can be used in a mapping. 

Steps to Activate a Custom Auto Map

  1. In the Properties Parameters Panel, select the Custom Auto Map which you want to activate to use in a mapping.
  2. Right-click the Custom Auto Map Click the icon and select the option Activate.

    Image Removed

    Parameters Panel: Custom Auto Map Activate option

    Image Added

  3. The status of the Custom Auto Map changes to Active.


  1. Image Added

You can now use this Custom Auto Map in your mapping. Similarly, right- click the Custom Auto Map and select the option Deactivate to deactivate a Custom Auto Map.

Using a Custom Auto Map

After activating a Custom Auto Map, you can use it in your mapping. Note that only one Custom Auto Map can be activated in the current mapping. 


  1. Load the respective source and target schemadestination layout.
  2. Create and activate the Custom Auto Map.
  3. Map the parent record of the Source schema layout to the parent record of the Target schemadestination layout.

    Image Added

  4. Right-click the Click the more icon of parent record of the target schema destination layout and select Connect Matching RecordChildren options.

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    Select Connect Matching Children

    Image Added

    The Connect Matching Children Dialog: Record window is displayed.

    Image Removed

    Connect Matching Children Options


    Image Added

  5. Select the mapping criteria from the Automap Auto Map options list. Its options are listed as:
    • Ignore Case: The source and the target destination elements are mapped even if they are of different case. Their attributes are not mapped.
    • Ignore Namespace: The source and target elements destination elements are mapped, when their names are same but source schema has any namespace prefix.
    • Recursive: Elements of parent level as well as all child level with the corresponding target elementsdestination elements.
    • Mix Attributes: Attributes of source and target schemas are destination layout are mapped.
  6. Select the mapping criteria from the Existing Options list. These options are :
    • Retain: If any source and target elements destination elements are already mapped, those mapping will not be overwritten.
    • Overwrite: Overwrites all the existing mappings.

Steps to Edit a Custom Auto Map

  1. In the Properties Panel, select the Custom Auto Map to be edited.
  2. Right-click the Custom Auto Map and select the option Edit.


    Image Removed

     Parameters Panel: Custom Auto Map Edit option

    The Custom Auto Map is open in Edit mode.

    Image Removed

    Custom Auto Map Dialog screen in Edit mode

  3. Click the Save & Close Image Removed button to save the Custom Auto Map.


Steps to Move a Custom Auto Map

  1. In the Properties Panel, select the Custom Auto Map which you want to move from group to global.
  2. Right-click the Custom Auto Map and select the option Move To Global.

    Image Removed

    Parameters Panel: Move to Global option

  3. A warning message is displayed.

    Image Removed
    Warning Message

  4. Click Yes to confirm moving the Custom Auto Map from Group to Global.

Image Removed
Change Scope in Parameters Panel


Deleting a Custom Auto Map
Steps to Delete a Custom Auto Map

  1. In the Properties Panel, select the Custom Auto Map which you want to delete.
  2. Right-click the Custom Auto Map and select the option Remove.

    Image Removed

    Parameters Panel: Custom Auto Map Remove option

  3. A warning message is displayed.

    Image Removed

    Parameters Panel: Custom Auto Map Status

  4. Click Yes to confirm the deletion of selected Custom Auto Map. The selected Custom Auto Map will be deleted.
  5. Click OK. This will map source and target schema as destination layout as per the criteria selected.

    Image Removed

Source and Target elements are mapped

Managing a Custom Auto Map from Parameters Panel

You can also manage the Custom Auto Map from the Parameters Panel. When you right-click the Custom Auto Map in the Parameters Panel, you can perform the following operations on a Custom Auto Map:

  • Edit a Custom Auto Map
  • Move a Custom Auto Map from Group to Global
  • Delete a Custom Auto Map


  1. Image Added

Select the scope of the Custom Auto Map