After defining the Source and the Destination of the Template, next step is to map the elements of the Source with the Destination.
Info |
If you have selected Partner to define the source or target layout in the previous step steps then the mapping will be defined by the Partner only. |
If you want the Partner to define the mapping while creating the Transaction using this template, then click Partner will define this step check box and click Next to provide the Documentation.
If you want to define the mapping then you can either use an existing mapping (created in the Developer's Studio) or create a new one. Select the mapping from the Select Mapping drop-down list and click Next.
Click to create a new mapping and do the following:Provide the name of the mapping.
Info You can also select the mapping from the Mapping Suggestion(s) drop-down list. This drop-down list will list all the existing mapping for similar data formats. Click Yes, when prompted to overwrite the existing mapping. Info Click Switch to Advanced Mapping to create the mapping using Developer's Studio Data Mapper. Create the mapping between the elements of the Source and the Destination. Mapping can be done either automatically or manually.
To map the elements manually, click a Source element first and then Destination element with which you want to map the Source element. This maps the elements and is shown with a green dot.
to map the Source and Destination elements automatically. You can map the elements automatically if the Source and Destination element names and hierarchy are exactly the same.
You can perform the following operations while mapping the elements.Anchor MappingOperations MappingOperations Expand title Mapping Functions You can also map the Source and Destination elements using /wiki/spaces/AC2/pages/656554. If you want to map the elements using mapping functions then click > Expression and Variables.
Info Business applications accept specific values in their reference elements at the destination. When you click Expression and Variables for a reference element of such applications, Reference Selection window appears. You may use Reference and/or Lookup functions to locate the reference values using the values of their corresponding elements.
On the Expression Builder window, map the elements using the mapping functions displayed on the left menu.
Expand title Copying Expression You can also copy the expression applied to a particular destination element and use it in another destination element. To copy the expression, click
> Copy Expression. The expression will get copied.Use the copied expression to another destination element by clicking
> Paste Expression. The same expression will get applied to the element.By default, Copy Expression and Paste Expression options are disabled. Copy Expression will get enabled if the expression is applied to a particular element. Paste Expression will get enabled after you copy the expression.
Anchor Clone Clone Expand title Cloning a Node
Cloning means generating the replica of the element. You can make a clone of a particular element or all destination elements. To clone an element or parent node:Anchor Clone Clone Click
> Clone Node.
- On the Clone Options window, provide the number of clones you need (maximum 300).
- Select Include Mapping check box to include mapping with the element.
Click Create Clone(s).
This creates the specified number of clones of the element. The element which is created using cloning is displayed with the suffix [1] after its name. Subsequent clones will have the suffix [2] and so on. For instance, if you make two clones of Name field then Name[1] and Name[2] will get cloned at the destination.Info You can delete the clone by clicking > Delete Clone. You can delete the mapping between the elements by clicking > Delete.
Anchor Value_Map Value_Map Expand title Adding Value Map Use this feature to map the values of an element at the Destination application. For instance, at source, Name element has John, Smith, Daniel, and Michael as values. You want to map John and Smith with Walter and Robert as the values in the Name element at the destination. This can be done using Value Map feature. Click Value Map to map the values.
On the Value Map window, provide a unique value map name. Type the values that you want to map in the Value and Map.
For other values (Daniel and Micheal), either provide the default value or click Pick From Source to map the same value as appearing at Source. If you provide the default value, then the same value will be mapped to other values. For instance, if you provide Paul as the default value, then Paul will be mapped to Daniel and Micheal at the destination.You can also import the values using CSV file by clicking Import CSV. On the Open dialog box, browse to and select the CSV file.
After you have created the value map, apply this to the destination element. To apply the value map:
- Click > Expression and Variables.
On the Expression Builder window, scroll left menu to the Value Map section, and then click the value map to apply.
Info The Value Map section will also list all the value maps of Project type created in the Developer's Studio. - In the Expression tab, place the cursor between the brackets, click the field from the Source, and then click Save.
This applies the value map to the element.
Anchor Variables Variables Expand title Adding Variables You can create a variable, assign a value, and use it while mapping the Source and Destination element. The value of a variable can be any constant, /wiki/spaces/AC2/pages/656554, or any source element.
All the variables are listed in the Variables section in the Expression Builder window. The variables created for a particular destination element are listed in the Current category whereas variables created for the Record node are listed in the Parent category.
To create a variable for a particular destination element or parent node:
> Expression and Variables.- On the Expression Builder window, click Variable tab. You can also create a variable by clicking
- Type a unique variable name.
- Type the value of a variable. The value can be any source element, any mapping function, or any constant. The following examples demonstrate how you can assign a value to a variable.
Assigning a constant value to a variable
Type a constant value in the box. Ensure that you have enclosed the constant value in a single quote.
Assigning a source element as a value to a variable
Click a field that you want to assign to the variable from the Source.
Assigning a mapping function as a value to a variable
Click a mapping function from the left menu and then click a field from the Source, if required. - Click to add any additional comments related to the variable.
- Click Add Variable. This creates a variable and a suffix (LV) is displayed next to the element.
All the variables created for a parent node or child node will get listed in the Variables section. - After creating a variable, map it to an element by clicking > Expression and Variables.
- Click the variable from the Variables section.
Info You can also apply a mapping function using a variable. - Click Save.
This maps the variable to the destination element.
Anchor Apply_Filter Apply_Filter Expand title Applying Filter You can filter the elements from appearing in the target mapping. By filtering the elements, the values of the filtered element will not appear in the target mapping.
You can filter both mapped and unmapped elements and also a single element or all elements of a node.
To filter a single element or parent node:
> Apply Filter.- This filters the selected element from the target mapping. The values of the filtered element (Emp_id) will not appear in the target mapping. Once the filter is applied to the element, a suffix (FL) is displayed next to the element.
To filter all unmapped elements:
- Click to filter all unmapped elements.
- On the Mapping Settings window, click Output from the left menu and then click Filter Unmapped Elements.
- Click Save.
This applies the filter to all the unmapped elements.
Anchor Indent_Mapping Indent_Mapping Expand title Indenting Mapping Output Indentation enables a clearer view of the mapping output. You can indent mapping output to give a structured display, thus improving readability. By default, you will get the indented mapping output, however, you can disable the indentation. Disabling the indentation will increase the mapping performance and size.
To disable the indentation:
- Click .
- On the Mapping Settings window, click Output from the left menu and then clear Indent Output XML.
- Click Save.
This disables the indentation.
Expand title Adding Namespace Namespace provides a simple method for qualifying element and attributes names used in Extensible Markup Language (XML) documents by associating them with namespaces identified by URI references.
You can add a namespace URL or namespace prefix while mapping the Source and Destination elements. Note that you can add a namespace prefix only in XML schema or if you have selected SOAP application at Destination.
Namespace URLs
To add a namespace URL:
- Click .
- On the Mapping Settings window, click Namespace from the left menu.
- Click Add Row.
- Type the namespace URL in the following format in the Namespace text box.
<namespace_name> is a unique namespace name.
<URL> is the URL that you want to set in the specified namespace name.
for example, xmlns:samplenamespace="" - Click Add Row to add more namespaces.
Click Save.
Info You can delete a namespace by moving the mouse pointer on the namespace and then clicking
. Click Yes, when prompted to confirm.You can edit a namespace by moving the mouse pointer on the namespace and then clicking
Namespace Prefix
To add a namespace prefix:
- Click to the child node or parent node.
Click Add Namespace Prefix.
Info This option appears only for XML schema or if you have selected SOAP application at Destination. On the Namespace Prefix window, type the prefix name.
Click Include Child Node(s) check box to apply the namespace prefix to all the child elements. This option is disabled if you are adding namespace prefix to the child element.
Click Include Attribute(s) check box to add the namespace prefix to all the attributes elements.
Click Save.
- After you have added a namespace prefix to the elements, a suffix (NS-<namespace_name>) is displayed next to the element.
Expand title Filtering Empty Elements You can filter the empty elements from appearing in the output mapping XML by clicking Filter Empty Elements check box. On selecting thecheck box, the output mapping XML will not have empty elements; thus increasing mapping size and performance.
To filter empty elements:
- Click .
- On the Mapping Settings window, click Output from the left menu and then click Filter Empty Elements.
This applies a filter to the empty elements.
You can also configure this check box for all the mappings through the abpm.dataMapper.filterEmptyElements property in the file (.../<AdeptiaInstallFolder>/AdeptiaServer/ServerKernel/etc folder). If the value of this property is set to yes then Filter Empty Elements check box is selected by default. You don't need to configure the option for every mapping.
Expand title Mapping Streaming Streaming is useful while working with large files or documents. Streaming processes files by streaming the part of a file rather than loading the whole file into memory. You need to enable streaming to process large size file while mapping Source and Destination elements but before enabling you must follow some /wiki/spaces/AC2/pages/659006.
To enable streaming:
- Click .
- On the Mapping Settings window, click Streaming from the left menu and then click Enable XSL Streaming check box.
- Click Next to exit from the mapping.
Provide the Documentation URL. This URL will have all the information related to the Template.
Click Save & Exit to save the Template.
Next Step