This section is applicable only if you have selected Content based routing while defining the definition of the Template. Using this option, you can fetch and process files based on the content of the file.
After you have defined the Source application, you need to define the routing.
- Click
- On the Create Routing window, provide a unique routing name.
Select whether you want to fetch and process data on the basis of Transaction Parameter or Partner Parameter.
Option Name Description Based on Transaction Parameter Select this option to fetch and process data based on the parameters defined for a Transaction. Based on Partner Parameter Select this option to fetch and process data based on the parameters defined for a Partner.
- Type the xpath of the field on the basis of which you want to fetch the data from the file. For instance, you want to fetch Name then xpath will be Root/Record/Name.
- Select Equals from the Condition drop-down list.
- Depending on the option chosen in the Step 3, the list of all parameters will populate in the Parameter drop-down list. Select the parameter that you want to map.
- You can also fetch the data based on different conditions using AND or OR filters.
AND filter combines two or more filters and returns true only if all of its enclosed filters returns true.
OR filter combines two or more filters and returns true if any of its enclosed filters returns true.
- Click Save.
Next Step