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Header Information (value)

Content Typeapplication/json
ACCESS_TOKENTo fetch get the Access Token, refer below table for more details.


OperationMethodAPI EndpointExample PayloadExample Response
Fetch Get Access TokenPOST



"username":"{User Name}",



Code Block
titleFetch Token
"tokenExpiresDays": 30,
"ACCESS_TOKEN": "{access token}"


OperationMethodAPI EndpointExample PayloadExample and Notes
Create UserPOST/rest/invitation?resourceIdentifier=users

"message":"Adeptia has invited you to use Adeptia Connect",


Example Response:

Code Block
titleCreate User
{ "invitationId":"11567494226899", "303":[ ] }

By default this This endpoint creates an invitation and returns return invitation id in response that can be used which you will use while creating the user.



Example Response:

Code Block
titleCreate User


Use the invitation Id from the above Create User response.

Update UserPUT/rest/users/{userId}



Example Response:

Code Block
titleUpdate User

Fetch Get UserGET/rest/user/{userId}

Fetch Get All Users (Connect Portal)GET/rest/user?limit={maximum number of users}

Using this API, you will get only Connect Portal users.

By default the value of limit is 1. Moreover, the limit stands for maximum number of users can be fetched from the database.
Activate UserPUT/rest/users/activate/{userId}{}EMPTY
Deactivate UserPUT/rest/users/deactivate/{userId}{}EMPTY
Delete UserPUT/rest/users/updateowner?oldUserId={userId}&deleteUser=true{}EMPTYBy default this endpoint will delete the user who has no dependency else an exception message to move objects will be generated.
