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With PD Theme Settings option, you can customize or modify Process Designer UI. This gives you flexibility to set color for Header, Pallete, Shapes, and Context pad. Following is the list of items that you can modify or customize. You can customize the theme with Light or Dark option.



Change the color of Background, Icon, and Icon Hover.
PalleteChange the color of Background, Icon, and Icon Hover of Pallete menu.
ShapesSet the color of Activity, Gateway, Events, Data Object, Border, and Label. You can also modify the width and height of Events, Activity, Gateway, and Data Object.
Option to change Label Font size.
Context PadChange the color of Icon and Icon Hover.

Changing PD Theme Settings

To customize the PD Theme Settings:

  1. Click Account > My Company.

  2. Select PD Theme Settings from the left pane.

  3. Select the Light or Dark theme option. By default, Dark theme is selected. 

  4. You can clear the checkbox to disable the Grid View and Default Theme.

  5. You can modify or customize settings for different items in Process Designer.



Click and expand HEADER

  1. To change the Icon Hover color, click the color box next to Icon Hover option and pick a color from the palette that appears.
    Alternatively, you can also write the standard html code for any desired color if any color is not present in the palette.

  2. Select the desired color for the Background and Icon.
  3. Click Save. Application refreshes itself to reflect the changes.


Click and expand SHAPES

  1. To change the color of listed shapes, click the color box next to activity and pick a color from the palette that appears.
    Alternatively, you can also write the standard html code for any desired color if any color is not present in the palette.

    For example, changing color of Data Object.

  2. Enter the value of width and height in respective textbox of Data Object.
  3. You can change the Font Size of Label. Enter the
  4. Click Save. Application refreshes itself to reflect the changes.
  1. In edit mode, click and expand LANDING PAGE.
  2. Select the default page on which the user(Company or Partner) will land, after logging in the application.

  3. Click Save. Application refreshes itself to reflect the changes.

In edit mode, click Image Removed and expand DEFAULT VIEW.
Click Image Removed and expand HEADER.
Image Removed
  • To change the font color of the text, click the color box next to Font Color option and pick a color from the palette that appears.
    Alternatively, you can also write the standard html code for any desired color if any color is not present in the palette.
  • Select the desired color for the Background and Border.
  • Click Save. Application refreshes itself to reflect the changes.
    Image RemovedClick Image Removed and expand COMPONENTS.
    Image Removed
  • To change the color of toolbars, click the color box next to Toolbar option and pick a color from the palette that appears.
    Alternatively, you can also write the standard html code for any desired color if any color is not present in the palette.
  • Select the desired colors in Headers, Hyperlinks, Alternate Rows, Sidemenu Background, and Sidemenu Selection to change the color of respective items in the application.
  • Click 'Save'. Application refreshes itself to reflect the changes.
    Image RemovedClick Image Removed and expand BUTTONS.
    Image Removed
  • To change the color of Buttons, click the color box next to Solid Button option and pick a color from the palette that appears.
    Alternatively, you can also write the standard html code for any desired color if any color is not present in the palette.

  • Select the desired colors for Light Buttons and Text Only buttons.

  • Click Save. Application refreshes itself to reflect the changes.
    Image Removed


    In edit mode, click Image Removed and expand VISIBILITY CONTROL.
    Image Removed
    You can choose if you wish to see or hide:
    Home button: Select Show if you want the user to see the Home button in the application. Otherwise select Hide.
    Image Removed
    Partners: Select Show if you want to see Partners option on the side menu in Partners tab. Otherwise select Hide.
    Image Removed
  • Prebuilt Templates: Select Show if your Business Users to access or view Prebuilt Templates (Data Interface, EDI Inbound & EDI Outbound). Otherwise select Hide.
  • Internal Network: Select Show if your Business Users and Partners to view the Internal Network. Otherwise select Hide.
    Click Save. Application refreshes itself to reflect the changes.
    Image RemovedUse this option to control the visibility of the menu options (Overview, Transactions, Trigger, and Channel) Dashboard.
    Image Removed
    In edit mode, click Image Removed and expand the DASHBOARD VISIBILITY CONTROL.
    Image Removed
    You can choose if you wish to see or hide:
  • Overview: Select Show if you want the Partners or Business User to view the Overview in Dashboard. Otherwise select Hide.
  • Transactions: Select Show if you want to see Partners or Business Users to see the Transactions. Otherwise select Hide.
  • Trigger: Select Show if you want Partner or Business Users to view Triggers. Otherwise select Hide.
  • Channel: Select Show if you want Partner or Business Users to view Channel. Otherwise select Hide.
    Click Save. Application refreshes itself to reflect the changes.
    Image Removed
    titleDefault View
    1. In edit mode, click and expand DEFAULT VIEW.
    2. Select the Tile View or List View from View Type drop-down list. This changes the default structure of the application.

      Click Save. Application refreshes itself to reflect the changes.
      Image Removed
    titleColor Scheme
    titleVisibility Control
    titleDashboard Visibility Control
    titleOther Naming Conventions
    1. In edit mode, click Image Removed and expand OTHER NAMING CONVENTIONS.
    2.  Change the Parameter Attribute to a new name (say 'Parameter Update') to replace the text 'Parameter' with 'Parameter Update' throughout the application.
      Image Removed

    3. Click Save. Application refreshes itself to reflect the changes.

    titleRestore to Default

    In edit mode, click Restore to default to restore all Theme Settings to their Default state.
