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A Keystore is a collection of certificates and private keys. You can use a Keystore with your security policies and web service consumer activities. Keystore stores your certificates and private keys that you can give to your client. You can create a Keystore either manually or by uploading a Keystore fileTruststore stores all your trusted parties certificates. You can create a Truststore by uploading a valid certificate. To create a KeystoreTruststore,

  1. Click Account > Security Settings.
  2. Click Key Entries tab and do the following:If you want to create a Keystore by uploading a Keystore file, click Import. The Import Keystore window appears.
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  3. Click Browse
  4. The Open Trusted Certificates tab.
  5. Click Import to create a Truststore. The Import Truststore window appears.
  6. Click Browse.
  7. The Open dialog box appears. 
  8. Explore to your PKCS12 or your JKS Keystore file type and click Truststore file type and click Open.
  9. Provide the Keystore Truststore password in the Keystore Truststore Passphrase.
  10. Click Click Save to  to create a KeystoreTruststore.
    If you want to create a Keystore manually, click Generate. The Generate Key Pair window appears.
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    Field NameDescription
    NameName of the Keystore.
    DescriptionDescription of the Keystore.
    Keystore TypeType of Keystore file type either PKCS12 or JKS.

    Keystore Password

    Password of the Keystore you want to set.

    Confirm Password

    Confirm the password of your Keystore.

    Private Key Password

    Password of your private key that you want to set.

    Confirm Password

    Confirm the password of your private key.


    A unique name for the identity of the Keystore that you are creating.

    Key Algorithm

    An algorithm to encrypt your Keystore. You can choose from either DSA or RSA

    Key Size

    Encryption key size of the encryption algorithm. The minimum size for DSA is 512 and for RSA is 1024 but it is recommended to use an algorithm of at least 1024 and 2048 key size respectively.

    Common Name

    A unique name to associate with the generated certificate, like a name of a person, for example, "Susan Jones".

    Organization Unit

    Name of the organization unit where you work.

    Organization Name

    Name of your organization.


    Locality of your organization.


    State where your organization is situated.


    Country where your organization is located.


    Number of days for which your Keystore will be valid.

    Signature Algorithm

    An algorithm to encrypt your signature. You can choose from SHA1 with DSA, SHA1 with RSA, MD5 with RSA, and RIPEMD160 with RSA.

    The Keystore is created successfully and is displayed on the Key entries screen.The Truststore is created successfully.