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Adeptia Connect has a Message Center to keep keeps track of your administrative messages, invites, and approvals. All your sent and received notifications can be viewed from here . This makes making it easier to centrally manage all communications within your network. 

All notifications are also sent to your registered email address.



Accessing Message Center

To access Message Center, click the Message Center  icon on the home page. 

The number on top of the icon denotes the total unread notifications


When you click the Message Center icon, it displays


the list of eight recently received notifications. To view all your notifications,


 click Image Added .


 Click any of


the notifications to view its details. Depending on the selected notification, the following details are displayed:

  • Date and time
  • Subject
  • Company’s Name and LogoMessage and its Type
    Once you click a notification, two main categories are available for you
  • Message 
  • Template Name

Message Center screen is divided into two main categories available on the left pane.


  • MessagesImage Modified: Displays a list of all message notifications. Here again, there There are two types of messages - Incoming (i.e., received by you) or Outgoing (i.e., sent by you).
  • Invitations Image Modified : Displays  Displays a list of Invitations invitations sent by you. This list includes invitations to both users and companies for joining both Users and Partners to join Adeptia Connect.


To search for a specific notification, type


the name in the search textbox. This filters the displayed notifications.


Types of Notifications:

The following list displays various types of Incoming and Outgoing notifications:


  • New Connection requests sent by you to access your partners Shared Connections
  • Access Granted or Revoked for your Shared Connections
  • Status notification of your Shared Connections(that are used by partners in their active (ON) connections):
    • Activation (turned On)
    • Deactivation (turned OFF)
    • Deletion
  • Broadcast messages for your Shared Connections (that are used by partners in their active (ON) connections)
  • Approval or disapproval status of Connection requests sent by your partners:
    • Activation (turned On)
    • Deactivation (turned OFF)
    • Deletion


Key Icons






Refreshes the Message Center page.


Denotes incoming messages, i.e., Messages that is, messages received by you.


Denotes outgoing messages, i.e., Messages that is, messages sent by you.


Denotes messages related to change in state of Shared Connections and Companies Transaction (turned ON or OFF).


Denotes all messages except the change in state of Shared Connections and Companies Transaction (turned ON or OFF).


Denotes successful user registration.

Image Removed 

Displays all the Invitation notifications.

 Image Removed

Displays all the Message notifications.


To delete any of your notifications, open the notification that you need to delete and click Image Modified . Alternatively, you may can also click Image Modified  from the list of notifications on the left side of the page.
