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  1. Click Configure > Templates > Create Template


  2. On the Create New Template screen, provide the name and description of the Template. The name should be a unique name and can be up to 48 characters long. The description of the Template can be up to 300 characters long.


  3. Click Continue to select the network for which you are creating the Template.

  4. Select the Template access and Network.


    Access To template

    Public: Template is used by the Company and self onboarded Partners.

    Private: Template is used by the Company only.


    Selection of Network(s) will depend on the type of access you have chosen in the previous option.

    If the access to template is Private, then by default, only Internal Network is selected and you can't add or change the Network.

    If the access to template is Public, you can select the Network(s) from the drop-down list. To select multiple Networks from the drop-down list, click on the networks one by one. Only the Partners of selected Network(s) will be able to access this Template.

  5. Click Next to provide the configuration details.

    Provide the configuration details for the Template. 

    Image Removed

  6. In the


    template type, select one from

    the following



    1. Image Removed

      App: Select this option if your Partner is using an application, for example, QuickBooks.

      File & Message: Select this option if your Partner is using a file system, for example, File Source, or message type application, for example, Email or JMS.

      EDI: Select this option if your Partner wants to send or receive EDI files.
      AnchorInbound_OutboundInbound_OutboundIn the Select direction, select Inbound to receive data from the Partner. In this option, Partner will define the Source application account and configuration details.
      Image Removed
      AnchorConfigurationConfigurationThe list of applications in the /wiki/spaces/AC2/pages/655669 and /wiki/spaces/AC2/pages/655497 application screen differs based on the option selected in the Select template type drop-down list. The applications will be listed as per the following table:
      Application TypeTemplate TypeList of Applications
      Source ApplicationAppList of all app-based application will appear, for example, Facebook, QuickBooks, HubSpot, FreshBooks, and so on.
      FileList of all file-based application will appear, for example, File, FTP, Email, and so on.
      EDIFTP, File, and JMS.
      Target ApplicationAppAll the supported applications will appear irrespective of the option selected.
      EDIFTP, File, Database, and JMS.

      Select template type: Custom.

    2. Select direction: Inbound.   

    Image Added


  7. Click Next to continue further.


    Field NameDescription

    Contact User

    Email id(s) listed here will receive a notification email whenever the Transaction is executed successfully or if there is an error during execution. Multiple email ids are separated by a comma.

    When to notify the contact?

    Always: Send an email whenever the execution of the Transaction is successful.

    On Error: Send an email if an error occurred during the execution of the Transaction.

    Data EncodingCharacter-set encoding for your source data. The available options are UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-32, and ISO-8859-1.
  8. Click Next to define the additional parameters for the Partnersselect the process flow. 
  9. Select the process flow or click Image Added to create a new one
  10. Click Add Parameter Next to define select the parameters. The Partner who will use this Template to create a Transaction will define the values of these specified parameters that will be stored in the context of the process flowactivities.
  11. Select the activities that you want to use in the Template.  
  12. Click Next to define the parameters.

    Parameter NameDescription
    Group TitleUnique name to identify a group.
    Parameter NameName of the parameters of the group.
    Parameter TypeType of the input parameter to be received from the Partner.
    Provide Input OptionsList of options for combo and radio button parameter type.
    Live PreviewPreview of the group.
  13.  Click Next to define the Source application.

Next Step

Defining the Source application of the Template