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Dropbox allows you to store, synchronize and share files online with public access.

Put your stuff in Dropbox and get to it from your computers, phones, or tablets. Edit docs, automatically add photos, and show off videos from anywhere.

Anything you upload to dropbox is private by default. You get to control who sees your uploads.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM is a customer relationship management (CRM) business solution that drives sales productivity and marketing effectiveness through social insights, business intelligence, and campaign management in the cloud, on-premises, or with a hybrid combination.

Customer relationship management (CRM) can help reduce costs and increase profitability by organizing and automating business processes that nurture customer satisfaction and loyalty in the sales, marketing, and customer service fields. CRM solutions can deliver ROI through marketing automation, customer service, and sales force automation.

For more information, click here.

Field (Account) Information


Specify the following information for DropboxDynamics CRM:





Account Name

A short, descriptive name that helps you re-use this account in future


Click Continue to navigate to Dropbox.


User ID

User ID to log into your Dynamics CRM account.


Password to log into your Dynamics CRM account.


The URL of your organization. This is needed because Microsoft Dynamics CRM is a multi-tenant environment.

A single Microsoft Dynamics CRM server can host multiple business organizations. By specifying the URL, the application can determine the endpoint address URL to access your organization’s business data.



A Trigger specifies when a particular Transaction will start executing. While configuring the Source application, you find a Trigger drop-down list. 

Following triggers are available for DropBox Dynamics CRM at Source.

New File in Directory

Trigger Name


On RecordsTriggers when new records are added.
On Records Added or UpdatedTriggers when a file is added to the Dropbox directorynew records are added or existing records are updated.
All RecordsExtracts all records starting from the beginning.


An Action specifies how the data will be transferred at the destination location. While configuring the Destination (Target) application, you find an Action drop-down list. 

Following actions are available for DropBox Dynamics CRM at Destination.  

Creates a file (with the same name as Source file) at the specified location

Action Name


Create File

Creates a file (with a unique name) at the specified location.

Copy File From Trigger

Add Records

Only adds records.

Update Existing Records

Only updates existing records.

Add Records or Update Existing RecordsAdds records or updates existing records as appropriate.