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Before configuring Deploy the Application 


Configuring a Web Form

To configure a Web Form in Adeptia Connect, ensure that you have designed a Web Form using Snecha Architecture.

Use Sencha Architect to design Form, use these form in Connect web form and use those web forms Web Forms that helps to configure Web Forms in Adeptia Connect. Use those Web Forms in Transaction/Template in Adeptia Connect.


 Follow these steps to configure Web Forms in Adeptia Connect:

  1. Create the JSON Schema for the Web Form. So if we change the form in future then we will update the JSON Schema.In web form table we will put the schema Id which is associated with this Web form. The name of Schema will be "<Web form name>_Schema".

  2. After creating a transaction/template type web form, we need to activate this web formWeb Form, click Yes, turn On to activate the Web Form.

  3. Now we will Use this Web Form to create a template by using this web form.

    The type of this template will be “File & Message”. 
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  4. Select File & Message from the drop-down menu for the template type and click Next.

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  5. Select Inbound from the drop-down menu for direction of this template will be “Inbound”and click Next.

  6. At On the source Choose App step, we will select the “Web Form” Web Form from the list of application listand click Next.

  7. Now at On the “Choose Choose Web Form” Form step, we will select the web form Web Form which we is created in the above steps and click Next.

  8. We will show the schema step in this case and show the JSON schema On the Set Destination step, select JSON schema as a source data format and applicable schema as a source data layout which is associated with web formWeb Form.

    At the mapping step when create the mapping then JSON schema (associated with selected web form) selected as Source Schema in wizard previous step will load as source schema.
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  9. Now after activating the template, we will create the transaction from this template and journey of this transaction will be similar to the other transaction. 
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    On the Mapping screen, enter a name for this mapping and select JSON schema as a Source Schema. Do the mapping of Destination with respect to Source.

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  10. Once Template is activated, follow these steps to create the transaction from this Template:
  • Enter the Transaction name 
  • Describe the Transaction 
  • Click Next

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11. When “Run Now” the we will open the same web form which is selected in Template and user can fill the form and click on submit to run this transaction.

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  1.  In dashboard we will display the execution log similarly we are displaying for the Frevvo Forms.
