Adeptia Connect provides a secure end-to-end encrypted environment for the data that is transferred and exchanged between the companies and its partners. Adeptia has multiple features that make the data secure right from the implementation until the transaction is complete. This further ensures that all the data transacted through Adeptia is secured and does not move out.
• Separate environments for separate departments to segment users
Role-Based Security
Adeptia Connect follows these guidelines to provide Role-Based Security.
• Admin has the ability to grant and revoke access.
Data Security
There is no data stored on Adeptia and the local copy of the data is deleted automatically when the data transfer is completed. Even when a temporary local copy of business data is stored on the hard drive, Adeptia supports encryption-at-rest to ensure that data is encrypted.
Adeptia enables you to apply encryption and decryption to the source and target files being transported via Adeptia Server. You can encrypt the source file to be sent and in a similar way, you can decrypt an encrypted file received via Adeptia Server.
During the assessment, following tests are conducted on Adeptia Connect:
• Application Security
• Data Security
Adeptia takes security very seriously and has gone to great lengths to ensure the integrity of customer data.