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While configuring the Source or Destination of a Transaction, you find an Account option to configure your application with Adeptia Connect. Using Account configuration, you need to specify the location from where the data is to be accessed. In this process, provide the details of the application account to grant permission to access data.


Before creating a SharePoint account, it is recommended to do the following:

  1. Create an app in SharePoint
    1. Open the browser and type the URL: https://<domain> where <domain> is the SharePoint domain.

      Image Added

    2. Click Generate in the Client Id and Client Secret.

      Copy the generated Client ID and Client Secret for future use.
    3. Type the app name in the Title.
    4. Type the Adeptia Connect URL without a protocol in the App Domain. For instance, if the Adeptia Connect URL is then App Domain is
    5. Type the callback URL in the Redirect URL in the format: https://<AdeptiaConnectURL>/rest/applications/microsoftsharepoint/account
    6. Click Create.
      This creates an app identifier.
  2. After creating the app, register your app.
    1. Type the URL: https://<domain> where <domain> is the SharePoint domain.

      Image Added

    2. Type the Client Id, generated while creating an app, in the App Id and then click Lookup.
    3. The data in the Title, App Domain, and Redirect URL is populated automatically.
    4. Type the XML code giving permissions. For information on URI and rights, click here. The sample XML code is:

      Code Block
      <AppPermissionRequests AllowAppOnlyPolicy="true">
      <AppPermissionRequest Scope="http://sharepoint/content/sitecollection" Right="FullControl" />
      <AppPermissionRequest Scope="http://sharepoint/content/sitecollection/web" Right="FullControl" />
      <AppPermissionRequest Scope="http://sharepoint/content/sitecollection/web/list" Right="FullControl" />
    5.  Click Create.
    6. Trust the app permission and then click Trust it.
  3. After you add an app, now create an account.

Specify the following information for Microsoft SharePoint: 




Account Name

A short, descriptive name that helps you re-use this account in future


Domain NameSharePoint domain name you are using, for example, adeptiainc. Hence, the domain name will be http:/
Client IDID generated while creating an app.
Client SecretSecret code generated while creating an app.
Realm ID 



A Trigger specifies when a particular Transaction will start executing. While configuring the Source application, you find a Trigger drop-down list. 
