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Adeptia Connect now supports Rich Forms (Frevvo). You can now create, share, and integrate your own forms. You need to configure the following to use forms in Adeptia Connect:


Ensure that you have frevvo.war file.

To use forms in Adeptia Connect, you need to configure the following:

  1. Rename frevvo.war to file.
  2. Open the zip file. 
    1. Open WEB-INF folder and copy urlrewrite.xml file to your computer.
    2. Open urlrewrite.xml file in the Text Editor.
    3. Type the URL where Adeptia Suite is running in the <to> parameter. The format of the URL is: <protocol_name>://<ipaddress>:<port_no>/frevvo.

    4. Save the file. 
    5. Copy the updated urlrewrite.xml file to file.
  3. Rename file to frevvo.war.
  4. Copy frevvo.war to .../<TomcatInstallFolder>webapps folder.
  5. Go to .../<AdeptiaInstallFolder>/ServerKernel/RichForms/WEB-INF folder.
  6. Open web.xml in the Text Editor.
    1. Type the URL s where Adeptia Suite is running in the <param-value> parameter of the frevvo.internal.baseurl property. The format of the URL is: <protocol_name>://<ipaddress>:<port_no>.

    2. Save the file.
  7. Go to .../<AdeptiaInstallFolder>/ServerKernel/etc folder.
  8. Open file in the Text Editor.
    1. In the Rich Forms group, type https in the abpm.frevvo.httpScheme property to access Rich Forms in a secure mode.

    2. In the Web Server category, in the Web Server Public Domain Name or IP Address property, type the IP address without protocol where Adeptia Suite is running. 

    3. Save the file.
  9. Restart Kernel and WebRunner.
