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Steps to load Source and Target Schemas




Leaf Element

Attribute Element


If you do not load any schema, then all the tabs of the Data Mapper appear as disabled.


Steps to search an element in a source or target schema hierarchy

  1. Ensure that the source and target schemas are loaded and all their elements are listed under their respective nodes.
  2. Click the Actions menu and select Search Element option (see Figure 386).

    Alternately you can press <Ctrl> + <F> on the keyboard.

    Figure 386: Select Search Element from Actions menu

    The Element Search Dialog window is displayed (see Figure 387).

    Figure 387: Element Search Dialog Box

  3. Enter the name of the element that you want to search for, in the Search Value field. You can also use Wild Card character(s) to search for an element. The Xpath of the element is automatically displayed in the Element Path field.
  4. Select the appropriate option in the Scope Panel, to search the element in the Source or Target schema hierarchy. For example, if you want to search in the Source schema hierarchy, then select Source Tree option. Only one option can be selected at a time. By default, Target Tree is selected (see Figure 388).

    Figure 388: Enter Parameters in Element Search Dialog Box


    As per the enhanced functionality of the search element, you can now also search the element on the basis of comments, Data Type, Current Mapping (Rules), Documentation and Extension Node Element in the tree node of the Data Mapper.

  5. Click Find. This searches for the first occurrence of the element in the selected hierarchy. If the element match is found, then that element is selected and highlighted. The Xpath of that node is displayed in the Element Path field (see Figure 389).

    Figure 389: Element Match Found

  6. If multiple matches are found for the search criteria, then the Direction Panel and the Find Next button is activated (see Figure 390). You can select the direction in which you want to search in the selected hierarchy. For example, if you want to search upwards in the hierarchy, select Up option. Only one option can be selected at a time. By default, Down is selected.

    Figure 390: Multiple Matches Found

  7. Click Find Next to search for the next element in the hierarchy, based on the selected direction. Once the element match is found, click Close to close the Search Element dialog box. 

    In case no element match is found, then a warning message is displayed (see Figure 391).

    Figure 391: Adeptia Mapper Warning

  8. Click Yes to search again, else click No to close this screen.
