- Go to Develop > Solutions > Primeur Spazio MFTs > Spazio Connection.
- Click Create New.
On the New MFT Server Connection window, provide the details of the Spazio server.
Property Name
Name of the new connection activity.
Description of the new connection activity.
IP address hosting Spazio MFT server. In case, both Adeptia Suite and Spazio server are installed on the same server then type localhost.
Port number hosting Spazio MFT server, default is 1099.
ActiveMQ Url
URL of the Active MQ Spazio server in the format: tcp://><IP_address_hosting_Spazio_Server>:<port_number_hosting_Spazio_server.
If you are using Spazio MFT server port other than the default port number (1099) then provide the port number in the URL otherwise keep it 57101.
Whether you want to generate logs or not.
Queue Manager
Name of the queue manager created in the Spazio MFT server.
User Id
User id of the Spazio server.
Password of the Spazio server.
- Expand Advanced Properties.
- Select the project under which you want to create this activity from the Project drop-down list.
- Select the owner of the activity from the Owner drop-down list. A user can select another user within its group only as the owner of the activity.
- Click Save.