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  1. Go to Administer > Setup > Application Settings > Update System Properties.
  2. Expand Intelligent Data Mapping (IDM)
  3. Set the value of the property to yes.

  4. Click Save.
  5. Click Reload Configuration to reflect the changes.

Creating a Mapping

Access Data Mapper and create the mappingmap the source and target elements.

Loading Source and Target Schema


  1. Go to .../AdeptiaInstallFolder/ServerKernel/etc folder.
  2. Open file in the Text Editor.
  3. Specify the value in the property. The value can be:

    YesyesElements of the schemas will be automatically mapped if the names of the source and the target elements and metadata are similar.
    NonoMapping will be done using iMap wizard.
    AskaskiMap wizard appears automatically with recommended mappings after you load schemas, default selected.


  1. Click  to open the iMap wizard.
  2. iMap displays following three recommended mapping suggestions that can be applied to your schemas based on the mapping already done by the Adeptia Suite users.

    High ConfidenceThis category fetches the mapping suggestions after matching the highest number of metadata and mapping rules with the elements of mapping that you have created. This type of confidence is always valid and can be imported directly.
    Medium ConfidenceThis category of mapping rules contains the suggestions of those elements whose mapping is not matched in the high category. Hence, the dependency of the rules suggested in medium confidence might not be present in the current mapping. Therefore, you must validate these suggestions before using in the current mapping.
    Include SemanticThis category of mapping rules contains the suggestions of those elements whose mapping is not covered in both High and Medium categories. This is calculated by using a semantic comparison between source and target elements. Therefore, you must validate these suggestions before using in the current mapping.
    A number corresponding to each suggestion denotes the number of source and target elements that can be mapped.
  3. Select from the iMap suggestions and click Apply. The selected mapping suggestion will get applied to your loaded schemas.

  4. You can also map the fields manually by clicking Explore.

  5.  iMap window appears with a list of mappings that can be applied to your loaded schemas. High confidence mapping is selected as default and is marked as Recommended. However, you can change the selected mapping from the list. 
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    You can also view other mapping suggestions by clicking  displayed at the lower left corner.
  6. Select the mapping to apply to the loaded schemas, select option(s) from the Other Options to apply on the selected mapping, if needed, and then click Apply.

    Option NameDescription
    Include clonesImports mapping rules for clones if exist in the selected mapping to be applied.
    Include medium confidence mappingsSearches the map rules and applies to the elements that are not mapped by the selected mapping option. The number of suggestions is displayed in the square brackets [].
    Include semantic confidence mappingsSemantically map the elements that are not mapped by the selected mapping and other mapping rules, if selected.
  7. You can also view the preview of the selected mapping to be applied and also choose the mapping rule that you want to apply to the element by clicking Explore.
  8. iMap window appears listing the target elements with mapping rule that can be applied to the elements.

    Field NameDescription
    MapToDisplays all the target elements in a structured tree.

    Displays the mapping rule to be applied to an element. By default, this field will display mapping rules only for the number of suggestions specified corresponding to the selected mapping.

    An element may have for each rule and mapping rule applied.

    For each rule will be displayed in the format - <foreachrule>::.

    Mapping rule will be displayed in the format - ::<mappingrule>.

    If an element has both mapping rule and for each then it will be displayed as <foreachrule>::<mappingrule>.

    InfoDisplays the mapping rule and for each applied to an element. In addition, it will also display the following details, if any, applied to an element -

    Global Variable, Local Variable, Ancestor Variable, Custom Methods, Global Methods, Key, Connection Variable, Context Variable, Local Template, Global Template, Group Template, Global ValueMap, Group ValueMap, Project ValueMap, and SourceXpath.

    SelectCheck box to apply a rule to an element.
    Expand AllExpands all the target elements of a structured tree.
  9. Choose the mapping rule from the drop-down list displayed corresponding to the element in the MappingRule column. This drop-down will list all the mappings applied to an element in other mappings.

    If you are changing any rule on the branch node, then a dialog box will appear with the following three options.

    Option NameDescription
    MergeSelect this option to apply the selected new rule to the child elements except for those that do not have any mapping rule.
    OverwriteSelect this option to overwrite the existing rules applied to the child elements with the selected one.
    RetainSelect this option to retain the existing rules applied to the child elements. Only for each will be applied to the branch element (node).

    On choosing from any of the options, a warning may appear. Click to view the warning message.

    For instance, consider a node with child elements - name, sender, address, and id. Element Name has R1 rule, Sender has R2 rule, and Id has R3 rule. The newly selected rule has R4 rule on Name, R5 rule on Sender, and R6 rule on Address. On applying the option, the new rules on the child elements will be as follows: 

    OperationElement NameExisting RuleNew RuleFinal Rules on Child Elements
    Address R6R6
    IdR3 R3
    Address R6R6
    Address R6 
    IdR3 R3
  10. Select Include Semantic check box to include semantic mappings to the elements. On selecting this check box, a semantic mapping rule will get applied to the elements on which no mapping rule is defined. 
  11. Click Apply Apply to return to the iMap window.
  12. Click Apply Apply to map the elements.
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    The term 'H' in the green background indicates high confidence rules, 'M' in the yellow background indicates medium confidence rules, and 'S' in the red pink background indicates semantic rules.
