Versions Compared


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  1. From the Solutions screen, select the Process flow and click the KPI ( ) icon against the process flow whose dashboards you want to view. This displays the Solution Dashboard screen.

    Solution Dashboard
    Anchor_Toc317169498_Toc317169498 Anchor_Ref236038244_Ref236038244 Anchor_Toc348346576_Toc348346576
  2. This screen displays all process variables defined (for all parent and child process flows) for all instances of the selected process flow. It displays the instance name of the parent flow (or overridden description, if it is overridden by the developer at design time). This screen is divided into two parts:
    • Search Criteria
    • Process Variable Data
  3. You can search for process flows and their variables, based on the date and time range by clicking the () icon in the upper right corner of the screen. This displays the date and time range fields (refer to Figure). Enter the date range and enter the time in the respective fields. Once done, click Apply button. This displays the process flows and their process variable details conforming to the specified time range.
  4. Alternately, search for process flows and their variables, based on the Process Variable search criteria. Select the process variable name that you want to search, from the Select dropdown menu. Then, enter some search criteria (such as name of variable) in the text field, and click Search button. This displays the process flow(s) with the specified process variable (see Figure 33).


    You can enter wildcards in the search criteria text field.

    Searched Solutions based on Process Variable Search
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    _Ref236037838 Anchor_Toc348346577_Toc348346577


    This screen will show the last updated value of the process flow variable.

  5. You can click the Instance Name link to view the instance details in the of Process Flow History screen (refer to Figure 35).